2024 |
de Jesus, Junior C.; Kich, Victor Augusto; Kolling, Alisson Henrique; Grando, Ricardo Bedin; da Silva Guerra, Rodrigo; Drews-Jr, Paulo Lilles Jorge Image-based Mapless Navigation of a Hybrid Aerial-Underwater Vehicle using Prioritized Deep Reinforcement Learning Journal Article Forthcoming In: Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Forthcoming. @article{Dranaju:CUPRL, In recent years, Reinforcement Learning (RL) has made promising progress in several areas, such as control tasks and video games, by using simple, low-dimensional data. However, it struggles when it needs to process more complex, high-dimensional inputs like raw pixel images, offering results that are not as good as those that use information from laser sensors, as many robotics applications demand. This paper introduces a new technique called Contrastive Unsupervised Prioritized Representations in Reinforcement Learning (CUPRL) for mobile robotics. This innovative approach combines RL and Contrastive Learning to effectively handle high-dimensional observations, an area not fully explored. This is crucial for navigating complex environments, especially for hybrid robots, such as the Hybrid Unmanned Aerial-Underwater Vehicles (HUAUVs) that experience strong changes in light when moving between air and water. Our approach excels in taking important information from depth maps and RGB images during training, aiming to improve the ability of RL agents to navigate without a map in the context of HUAUVs. This field has much to be explored. Our tests in a robot simulator show that CUPRL, which uses learning from both RGB and depth images, performs better than current methods that rely only on pixel data. This is especially true for 3D navigation without maps, where we use only RGB images during tests. This proves that CUPRL could be useful for making decisions in HUAUVs. We believe our work not only offers improved solutions for navigation but also encourages further research into the use of high-dimensional data in RL, presenting a more efficient and adaptable method in complex environments compared to earlier strategies. |
2023 |
Bottega, Jair Augusto; Kich, Victor Augusto; de Jesus, Junior Costa; Steinmeltz, Raul; Kolling, Alisson Henrique; Grando, Ricardo Bedin; da Silva Guerra, Rodrigo; Gamarra, Daniel Fernando Tello Jubileo: An Immersive Simulation Framework for Social Robot Design Journal Article In: Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2023, ISBN: 0921-0296. @article{Jubileo:Jair:JINT2023, This paper presents Jubileo, an open-source simulated humanoid robot, as a framework for the development of human-robot interaction applications. Leveraging the power of Robot Operating System (ROS) and Unity in a virtual reality environment, this simulation establishes a strong connection to real robotics, faithfully replicating the robot’s physical components down to its motors and enabling communication with servo-actuators to control both the animatronic face and the joints of a real humanoid robot. To validate the capabilities of the framework, we propose English teaching games that integrate Virtual Reality (VR), game-based Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), and advanced large language models such as Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT). These games aim to foster linguistic competence within dynamic and interactive virtual environments. The incorporation of large language models bolsters the robot’s capability to generate human-like responses, thus facilitating a more realistic conversational experience. The utilization of this simulation framework not only mitigates the risks associated with real-world robot testing but also provides a cost-effective, time-efficient, and scalable solution for the development of new applications. The immersion and interaction with the robot make the framework engaging for users, which could potentially be advantageous for the interaction and learning process. The paper underscores the transformative potential of converging VR, large language models, and HRI, particularly in educational applications. |
2020 |
Luan, Hui; Geczy, Peter; Lai, Hollis; Gobert, Janice; Yang, Stephen J. H.; Ogata, Hiroaki; Baltes, Jacky; Guerra, Rodrigo; Li, Ping; Tsai, Chin-Chung Challenges and Future Directions of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Education Journal Article In: Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 11, 2020, ISBN: 1664-1078. @article{AI_Education2020, We discuss the new challenges and directions facing the use of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) in education research, policy-making, and industry. In recent years, applications of big data and AI in education have made significant headways. This highlights a novel trend in leading-edge educational research. The convenience and embeddedness of data collection within educational technologies, paired with computational techniques have made the analyses of big data a reality. We are moving beyond proof-of-concept demonstrations and applications of techniques, and are beginning to see substantial adoption in many areas of education. The key research trends in the domains of big data and AI are associated with assessment, individualized learning, and precision education. Model-driven data analytics approaches will grow quickly to guide the development, interpretation, and validation of the algorithms. However, conclusions from educational analytics should, of course, be applied with caution. At the education policy level, the government should be devoted to supporting lifelong learning, offering teacher education programs, and protecting personal data. With regard to the education industry, reciprocal and mutually beneficial relationships should be developed in order to enhance academia-industry collaboration. Furthermore, it is important to make sure that technologies are guided by relevant theoretical frameworks and are empirically tested. Lastly, in this paper we advocate an in-depth dialogue between supporters of “cold” technology and “warm” humanity so that it can lead to greater understanding among teachers and students about how technology, and specifically, the big data explosion and AI revolution can bring new opportunities (and challenges) that can be best leveraged for pedagogical practices and learning. |
2019 |
Yu-Ren, Lin; Christmann, Guilherme Henrique Galelli; Grando, Ricardo Bedin; Guerra, Rodrigo S; Baltes, Jacky Dr. Eureka: A Humanoid Robot Manipulation Case Study Journal Article In: Knowledge Engineering Review, 2019, ISSN: 1469-8005. @article{Danny:DrEureka:2019, To this day, manipulation still stands as one of the hardest challenges in robotics. In this work we examine the board game Dr. Eureka as a benchmark to encourage further development in the field. The game consists of a race to solve a manipulation puzzle: reordering colored balls intransparent tubes, in which the solution requires planning, dexterity and agility. In this work wepresent a robot (THORMANG3) that can solve this problem, nicely integrating several classicaland state-of-the-art techniques. We represent the puzzle states as graph and solve it as a shortest path problem, in addition to applying computer vision combined with precise motions to perform the manipulation. In this paper we also present a customized implementation of YOLO (called YOLO-Dr. Eureka) and we implement an original neural network based incremental solution to the inverse kinematics problem. We show that this neural network outperforms the inverse of the Jacobian method for large step sizes. Albeit requiring more computation per control cycle, thelarger steps allow for much larger movements per cycle. To evaluate the experiment, we performtrials against a human using the same set of initial conditions. |
Pozzobon, Luiza Amador; Schaf, Frederico Menine; da Silva Guerra, Rodrigo Editor de Coreografias para Robô Humanoide Journal Article In: Revista Brasileira de Iniciação Científica, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 139-157, 2019, ISSN: 2359-232X. @article{Luiza:Beo:2019, A necessidade de comunicação é algo quase intrínseco de robôs humanoides por serem utilizados tipicamente em situações sociais e interativas. Nesse sentido, é necessária a existência de softwares para edição de seus movimentos e falas. Assim, este projeto teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta web atraente e intuitiva para a criação de cenários de interação com um robô humanoide, também chamadas de coreografias, de forma que mesmo leigos possam programar suas ações. O website funciona totalmente independente do robô físico, controlando um avatar, podendo, ainda, estar conectado a primeiro e controlá-lo online. |
2018 |
Christmann, Guilherme Henrique Galelli; Montenegro, Fabrício Julian Carini; Grando, Ricardo Bedin; Guerra, Rodrigo S Implementação de um Modelo Bag of Features para Classificação de Frutas Journal Article In: Communications and Innovations Gazette, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 70-80, 2018, ISSN: 2448-1904. @article{Christmann:BagOfFeatures:2018, Este trabalho explora uma técnica clássica de visão computacional, o modelo de Bag of Features, em um problema de classificação de frutas e vegetais. Há uma tendência crescente no uso de técnicas de Redes Neurais e Deep Learning aplicadas na automatização de processos e sistemas. Esse trabalho vai contra essa tendência, examinando o desempenho de um modelo de Machine Learning (ML) mais simples. Para tal, definimos dois cenários, um em que o ambiente é controlado com apenas diferenças de iluminação e posições dos objetos e, outro, com imagens mais desafiadoras, com maior presença de ruído no background. Mostramos que apesar de existir uma clara tendência ao uso de modelos complexos de ML, técnicas mais simples continuam relevantes em certos cenários. |
Londero, Fabrício Tonetto; Guerra, Rodrigo S Bússola Visual para Futebol de Robôs Journal Article In: Communications and Innovations Gazette, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-12, 2018, ISSN: 2448-1904. @article{Londero:BussolaVisual:2018, Este artigo descreve um trabalho sobre uma alternativa de solução para o problema de orientação enfrentado por robôs humanóides em partidas de futebol da RoboCup. Usando apenas uma webcam, o robô faz uma análise de frames recebidos com frames armazenados previamente para prever sua orientação no campo. Esta técnica, se bem sucedida, irá apresentar uma solução para um problema muito comum em jogos de futebol de robôs: o gol contra. |
Montenegro, Fabrício Julian Carini; Guerra, Rodrigo S. Simulador computacional para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de estratégias de comportamento para futebol de robôs Journal Article In: Communications and Innovations Gazette, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 51-61, 2018, ISSN: 2448-1904. @article{Montenegro:SoccerSim2D:2018, O trabalho aqui apresentado trata sobre o desenvolvimento de um simulador computacional aplicado à robótica com foco no desenvolvimento de estratégias de comportamento de alto nível para futebol de robôs. O desenvolvimento de estratégias de comportamento para futebol de robôs pode ser grandemente facilitado quando desenvolvido e testado junto a um simulador. Os simuladores encontrados, entretanto, oferecem um baixo nível de abstração para manter uma compatibilidade com o hardware ou um alto nível de abstração que abre mão dessa compatibilidade. O simulador desenvolvido neste trabalho oferece um alto nível de abstração sem abrir mão da compatibilidade com o hardware. Ele permite a criação de estratégias de comportamento que podem comunicar-se tanto com o simulador quanto diretamente com um robô real. O simulador foi desenvolvido e é utilizado por uma equipe de futebol de robôs humanoides. |
2017 |
Tatsch, Christopher; Ahmadi, Ahmadreza; Bottega, Fabrício; Tani, Jun; Guerra, Rodrigo S. Dimitri: an Open-Source Humanoid Robot with Compliant Joint Journal Article In: Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, pp. 1–10, 2017, ISSN: 0921-0296. @article{Tatsch:Dimitri:2017, We introduce Dimitri, an open-software & open-hardware humanoid robot with 31 DOFs, fitted with cost-effective modular compliant joints and parallel link legs, designed for advanced human-robot interaction research, force-informed object handling and intelligent environment discovery. Our main innovation is in the design of a robust full-body biped humanoid robot equipped with very low-cost polyurethane torsional spring fixed to traditional servo motors and a circuit to measure angular displacement, transforming the system into a series elastic actuator (SEA). In order to illustrate the robot’s qualities in the field of machine learning applied to robotics and manipulation, a multiple timescale recurrent neural network (MTRNN) is implemented, allowing the robot to replicate combined movement sequences earlier taught via interactive demonstration. |
2015 |
Martins, Leandro T.; Tatsch, Christopher A.; Maciel, Eduardo H.; Gerndt, Reinhard; Guerra, Rodrigo S. A Polyurethane-based Compliant Element for Upgrading Conventional Servos into Series Elastic Actuators Journal Article In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 48, no. 19, pp. 112–117, 2015, ISSN: 2405-8963, (11th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control SYROCO 2015). @article{Martins:SEA:2015B, This paper presents a novel compliant spring system designed to be attached to a conventional robotics servo motor, turning it into a series elastic actuator (SEA). The system is composed by only two mechanical parts: a torsional polyurethane spring and a round aluminum support for link attachment. The polyurethane spring, had its design derived from a iterative FEM-based optimization process. A magnetometer based circuit is used to measure angular displacement and communicate it through a RS485 bus protocol. |
2010 |
Guerra, Rodrigo S; Aonuma, Hitoshi; Hosoda, Koh; Asada, Minoru Behavior change of crickets in a robot-mixed society Journal Article In: Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 526, 2010, ISSN: 0915-3942. @article{Guerra:MixedSociety:2010, This paper presents a study on cricket behavior using an interdisciplinary robot/insect mixed society setup. Field crickets of the species Gryllus bimaculatus were allowed to interact with micro-robots equipped with decoys. This allows the stimulation of insect behaviors that are usually difficult to bring out evoke insects alone, allowing consistent behavioral research. We performed a set of experiments focused on the comparative study of the behavior of dominant and subordinate male crickets after a dominance dispute is settled. From these experiments we were able to collect evidence on the differences between subordinate and dominant behavior towards different decoys. |
Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Aonuma, Hitoshi; Hosoda, Koh; Asada, Minoru Semi-automatic behavior analysis using robot/insect mixed society and video tracking Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 191, no. 1, pp. 138–144, 2010, ISSN: 0165-0270. @article{Guerra:MixedSociety:2010, This paper proposes a novel robot/insect mixed society setup which enhances the possibilities for insect behavioral research and can be used as a powerful tool for interdisciplinary studies on insect behavior. Micro-robots are equipped with decoys so as to allow a controlled dynamic interaction with crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus. A camera records the interaction and the video is later processed for the automatic tracking of each encounter between cricket and robot. A novelty of our method lies in using the robots as tools for the controlled evoking of specific insect behaviors rather than trying to build an insect-like robot. The possibility for performing controlled repeatable movements allows the stimulation of certain insect behaviors that are usually difficult to trigger using insects alone, allowing consistent behavioral research. A set of experiments were performed in order to validate the proposed setup. We also demonstrate the use of our setup for stimulating agonistic behavior during an electromyography recording session. |
Book Chapters
2024 |
de Souza Santos Lemos, João Francisco; Dorneles, Gabriel Amaral; Maurell, Igor Pardo; Brião, Stephanie Loi; da Silva Guerra, Rodrigo; Junior, Paulo Lilles Jorge Drews Digital Environment Description and Reconstruction using Panoptic Segmentation Book Chapter Forthcoming In: Springer, Eindhoven, Netherlands, Forthcoming. @inbook{JLemos:PanopticSegmentation:2024, Simulation in the field of robotics is a less costly, safer, more scalable, and more versatile alternative to real-world scenarios. In this work, we present a pipeline for the digital reconstruction of environments using the panoptic segmentation technique. The overall aim is to automate the transcription of real geometries into the digital environment, creating a virtual scene where objects are meticulously segmented, making it possible to manipulate, replicate, remove, and practically move these objects. The methodology is based on Neural Radiance Field for segmentation and reconstruction of scenes, classical methods for manipulating structures, SDFormat as a scene description file, and Gazebo as a 3D robotic simulation platform. The results show that the method is capable of transcribing the scene into a virtual environment and using it as a space for testing, validating, and training robots. |
2023 |
Garcia, Thiago Rodrigues; Valente, Ricardo Lago; Schirmer, Ricardo Dias; de Jesus, Junior Costa; Schuster, Bruno; Severo, Marlon Berber; Richards, David Roy; Conrad, Carlos C.; da Silva Guerra, Rodrigo; da Silva, Rodrigo Mattos; Gamarra, Daniel Fernando Tello Construção de um Robô Móvel para Ensino das Disciplinas dos Cursos de Engenharia Book Chapter In: LACERDA, ADERJANE FERREIRA (Ed.): Chapter 6, Brazilian Journals Editora, 1, 2023, ISBN: 978-65-6016-020-0. @inbook{Gamarra:Ensino:2023, In this chapter, we describe the construction of a low-cost mobile robot is described, designed to serve as a support for engineering education, particularly in the fields of control and automation engineering, computer science, and electrical engineering. The mobile robot is composed of direct current motors, encoders, drivers, a microcontroller (Arduino), ultrasonic and motion sensors (Kinect), a camera, and other materials supporting the entire structure, such as MDF, aluminum rods, and acrylic. Despite the relatively high cost of these materials, they were obtained through leftovers and donations from the Electrical Engineering Research and Development Center (NUPEDEE), the sector where the robot was manufactured, and also where the robotics research group is located. This article describes some results of work already developed using the mobile robot, as well as the outcomes of applying a small questionnaire to students who used the robot. |
2019 |
Christmann, Guilherme Henrique Galelli; Baltes, Jacky; Guerra, Rodrigo S Estudo Comparativo de Técnicas de Visão Computacional para Classificação de Frutas e Vegetais Book Chapter In: Librelotto, Giovani Rubert (Ed.): ComInG - Communications and Innovations Gazette: Edição 04, Chapter 6, pp. 101-116, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2019, ISBN: 978-1729549650. @inbook{Frutas:Christmann:2019, There is an increasing trend towards the use of Deep Learning techniques for the automation of various processes and systems. This work explores traditional techniques used in computer vision such as bag of features (BoF) models and Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) compared with modern approaches based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). For this, we present two scenarios for fruit and vegetable classification from images. In one scenario, the objects are placed in a well-behaved environment with differences only in lighting and object position. The other scenario is more challenging and contains fewer images and much more background clutter. We show that, although most modern computer vision work is based on CNNs, traditional techniques can still achieve comparable results in some scenarios. |
Londero, Fabrício Tonetto; Guerra, Rodrigo S Orientação baseada em uma Bússola Visual para Futebol de Robôs Book Chapter In: Librelotto, Giovani Rubert (Ed.): ComInG - Communications and Innovations Gazette: Edição 04, Chapter 1, pp. 1-22, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2019, ISBN: 978-1729549650. @inbook{Bussola:Londero:2019, |
Montenegro, Fabrício Julian Carini; Guerra, Rodrigo S In: Librelotto, Giovani Rubert (Ed.): ComInG - Communications and Innovations Gazette: Edição 04, Chapter 5, pp. 79-100, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2019, ISBN: 978-1729549650. @inbook{SoccerSim:Montenegro:2019, |
2015 |
Martins, Leandro T.; Tatsch, Christopher A.; Maciel, Eduardo H.; Henriques, Renato V. B.; Gerndt, Reinhard; Guerra, Rodrigo S. Polyurethane-Based Modular Series Elastic Upgrade to a Robotics Actuator Book Chapter In: Almeida, Luis; Ji, Jianmin; Steinbauer, Gerald; Luke, Sean (Ed.): Proceedings of the RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX, vol. 9513, pp. 347–355, Springer International Publishing, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-29339-4, (RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX). @inbook{Martins:SEA:2015, This article extends previous work, presenting a novel polyurethane based compliant spring system designed to be attached to a conventional robotics servo motor, turning it into a series elastic actuator (SEA). The new system is composed by only two mechanical parts: a torsional polyurethane spring and a round aluminum support for link attachment. The polyurethane spring, had its design derived from a iterative FEM-based optimization process. We present also some system identification and practical results using a PID controller for robust position holding. |
Martins, Leandro T; Pretto, Roberta M; Gerndt, Reinhard; Guerra, Rodrigo S Design of a Modular Series Elastic Upgrade to a Robotics Actuator Book Chapter In: Bianchi, Reinaldo A C; Akin, Levent H; Ramamoorthy, Subramanian; Sugiura, Komei (Ed.): RoboCup 2014: Robot World Cup XVIII, vol. 8992, pp. 701–708, Springer International Publishing, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-18615-3, (RoboCup 2014: Robot World Cup XVIII). @inbook{Martins:SEA:2014, In this article we present a compact and modular device designed to allow a conventional stiff servo actuator to be easily upgraded into a series elastic actuator (SEA). This is a low cost, open source and open hardware solution including mechanical CAD drawings, circuit schematics, board designs and firmware code. We present a complete overview of the project as well as a case study where we show the device being employed as an upgrade to add compliance to the knee joints of an existing humanoid robot design. |
2010 |
Gerndt, Reinhard; Bohnen, Matthias; Guerra, Rodrigo S; Asada, Minoru The RoboCup Mixed Reality League -- A Case Study Book Chapter In: Dubois, Emmanuel; Gray, Philip; Nigay, Laurence (Ed.): The Engineering of Mixed Reality Systems, pp. 399–418, Springer London, London, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-84882-733-2. @inbook{Gerndt:MixedReality:2010, In typical mixed reality systems there is only a one-way interaction from real to virtual. A human user or the physics of a real object may influence the behavior of virtual objects, but real objects usually cannot be influenced by the virtual world. By introducing real robots into the mixed reality system, we allow a true two-way interaction between virtual and real worlds. Our system has been used since 2007 to implement the RoboCup mixed reality soccer games and other applications for research and edutainment. Our framework system is freely programmable to generate any virtual environment, which may then be further supplemented with virtual and real objects. The system allows for control of any real object based on differential drive robots. The robots may be adapted for different applications, e.g., with markers for identification or with covers to change shape and appearance. They may also be ``equipped'' with virtual tools. In this chapter we present the hardware and software architecture of our system and some applications. The authors believe this can be seen as a first implementation of Ivan Sutherland's 1965 idea of the ultimate display: ``The ultimate display would, of course, be a room within which the computer can control the existence of matter łdots'' (Sutherland, 1965, Proceedings of IFIPS Congress 2:506--508). |
2008 |
Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Boedecker, Joschka; Mayer, Norbert; Yanagimachi, Shinzo; Hirosawa, Yasuji; Yoshikawa, Kazuhiko; Namekawa, Masaaki; Asada, Minoru Introducing Physical Visualization Sub-league Book Chapter In: Visser, Ubbo; Ribeiro, Fernando; Ohashi, Takeshi; Dellaert, Frank (Ed.): RoboCup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI, pp. 496–503, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008, ISBN: 978-3-540-68847-1, (RoboCup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI). @inbook{Guerra:MixedReality:2008, This work introduces the new sub-league of the RoboCup Soccer Simulation League, called Physical Visualization. We show how the fundamental collaborative concepts of this new sub-league shift essential research issues from the playing agents themselves to the development of a new versatile research and educational platform. Additionally, we discuss benefits of this new platform in terms of standardization, flexibility and reasonable price. We also try to characterize and discuss the place of this new sub-league within the RoboCup community. Finally, competition formats and roadmaps are presented and discussed. |
2007 |
Mayer, Norbert M; Boedecker, Joschka; Guerra, Rodrigo S; Obst, Oliver; Asada, Minoru 3D2Real: Simulation League Finals in Real Robots Book Chapter In: Lakemeyer, Gerhard; Sklar, Elizabeth; Sorrenti, Domenico G; Takahashi, Tomoichi (Ed.): RoboCup 2006: Robot Soccer World Cup X, vol. 4434, pp. 25–34, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-540-74024-7, (RoboCup 2006: Robot Soccer World Cup X). @inbook{Mayer:3D2Real:2007, We present a road map for a joint project of the simulation league and the humanoid league that we call 3D2Real. This project is concerned with the integration of these two leagues which is becoming increasingly important as the research fields are converging. Currently, a lot of work is duplicated across the leagues, collaboration is sparse, and knowhow is not transfered effectively. This binds resources to solve the same problems over and over again. To address this, we discuss the current situation of both leagues with respect to these points and focus on open issues that have to be fixed. In addition, we describe existing open standards and contributions from the RoboCup community that we plan to use for the project. As a milestone, we propose to conduct the finals of the 3D simulation tournament on real robots by the year 2008. Finally, we propose a database of simulated parts and algorithms in which each league can benefit and contribute with their expertise. These contributions facilitate synergies to be used across individual leagues for the benefit of the RoboCup project and the year 2050 goal. |
2006 |
Mayer, Michael N; Asada, Minoru; Guerra, Rodrigo S. Using a Symmetric Rotor as a Tool for Balancing Book Chapter In: Bredenfeld, Ansgar; Jacoff, Adam; Noda, Itsuki; Takahashi, Yasutake (Ed.): RoboCup 2005: Robot Soccer World Cup IX, vol. 4020, pp. 71–80, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006, ISBN: 978-3-540-35438-3, (RoboCup 2005: Robot Soccer World Cup IX). @inbook{Mayer:ActiveWheel:2006, In the Humanoid Leagues balancing during walking and running is still the biggest challenge for most of the teams. We present here some work in which a dynamic walker is stabilised by using a fast heavy rotor, a gyro. The dynamics of a symmetric, fast rotating gyro is different from that of a non-rotating solid body, e.g. in the case of small disturbances it tends to keep the axes the same. Results show that the rotor enhances the stability of the walking in the simulations. In a model for an actuated robot the rotor is used as a reaction wheel, i.e. the pitch of the robot is stabilised by accelerating and decelerating it. We see this method --though it is not biologically inspired -- as an intermediate step for learning balancing in biped robots. The control algorithm responsible for balancing the pitch is discussed in detail. The simulations show that, by using this kind of stabilisation, movements like stand up, walk and jump are easily possible by using open loop control for the legs, however high torques for the rotor are necessary. Finally, a robot design that consists just of a trunk is presented. |
Boedecker, Joschka; Mayer, Norbert M.; Ogino, Masaki; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Kikuchi, Masaaki; Asada, Minoru Getting closer: How Simulation and Humanoid League can benefit from each other Book Chapter In: Murase, Kazuyuki; Sekiyama, Kosuke; Naniwa, Tomohide; Kubota, Naoyuki; Sitte, Joaquin (Ed.): Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment (AMiRE 2005), pp. 93–98, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006, ISBN: 978-3-540-29344-6. @inbook{Boedecker:Simulation:2006, This paper presents the current efforts and ideas of members in the RoboCup Simulation and the Humanoid Leagues to take successful concepts from both environments and extend them in ways so that each league can profit from the results. We describe the ongoing development of the 3D simulator which is being extended to simulate a real humanoid robot. At the same time, we give an insight into the current behavior development framework of the Humanoid League team Senchans which makes heavy use of techniques which have been successfully used in the Simulation League before. Furthermore, we give some suggestions for a collaboration between the different leagues in the RoboCup from which all the participants could benefit. |
Conference Proceedings
2024 |
dos Santos Dyonisio, Jardel; Quadros, Luís Felipe Milczarek; Dias, Nicolas; Brião, Stephanie Loi; Dorneles, Gabriel Amaral; Maurell, Igor Pardo; da Silva Guerra, Rodrigo; Drews-Jr, Paulo Lilles Jorge Teach and Repeat for Path Planning using Bézier Curves Proceedings Article Forthcoming In: Homem, Thiago Pedro Donadon; Ferreira-Jr, Paulo Roberto (Ed.): Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Robotics, Forthcoming. @inproceedings{Dyonisio:TeachAndRepeat:2024, In the service robots field, it is important for a mobile robot the capability to navigate and repeat previously defined paths. This paper aims to develop a technique capable of teaching and repeating (T&R) a path taken by a mobile robot. The robot used is a differential and low-cost called SHARK (Stable Hoverboard-driven Autonomous Robot Kit). The developed system is integrated with the ROS framework and uses the SHARK mobile base, built with self-balancing components. When changes need to be made in the environment, a user simply has to generate a new path teleoperating the robot, and the system is capable of repeating new paths autonomously. The proposed approach consists of using Bezier curves to represent the paths taken by the user. The method implements the T&R technique to navigate a mobile robot. Results show the worst maximum average of percentage error (MPE) using this method was only 1.361% in adapting the Bezier curve to the points where the robot was taught, satisfactorily representing the path. In the repeating process, the worst MPE was 9.983%. |
de Cordova, Lucas Benedetti Viana; Brião, Stephanie Loi; Oliveira, Felipe G.; da Silva Guerra, Rodrigo; Drews-Jr, Paulo Lilles Jorge Autoencoder Satellite Image Matching for UAV Geolocation in Long-Range High-Altitude Missions Proceedings Article Forthcoming In: da Silva Barbosa, Ricardo; Kieling, Antonio Claudio; Emmendörder, Leonardo Ramos (Ed.): Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, Forthcoming. @inproceedings{Cordova:VisionAutoencoderGeolocation:2024, Vision-based geolocation is a promising way to overcome the vulnerabilities of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) methods, which are subject to signal degradation, intentional interference, and environmental obstacles. This paper presents a novel approach to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) geolocation in long-range and high-altitude missions using satellite imagery. Our method is based on the matching of encoded vector representations in embedded space, demonstrating robust performance to changes in vegetation and landscape. The neural network is used to encode satellite images of a reference map into embedding representations. Image matching is performed in this embedded space using cross-correlation. We evaluated the accuracy and processing time of the proposed model by querying images along a 200 km northbound path at high altitude, covering an area larger than twenty thousand square kilometers. We also evaluated the network's generalization capability on an unknown map. Reference and query images are sourced from satellite images captured at different acquisition times to evaluate robustness due to appearance variations. The results demonstrate that the method can achieve up to 96.83% accuracy on a known map, while experiments on an unknown map averaged 90% accuracy. The processing time to match encoded images is 0.05 ms. These findings suggest the feasibility of integrating the method into more complex vision-based geolocation systems. |
Grando, Ricardo B.; Steinmetz, Raul; Kich, Victor A.; Kolling, Alisson H.; Furik, Pablo M.; de Jesus, Junior C.; Guterres, Bruna V.; Gamarra, Daniel T.; da Silva Guerra, Rodrigo; Drews-Jr, Paulo L. J. Improving Generalization in Aerial and Terrestrial Mobile Robots Control Through Delayed Policy Learning Proceedings Article Forthcoming In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) 2024, IEEE IEEE, Bari, Italy, Forthcoming. @inproceedings{Grando:DelayedPolicyLearning:2024, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has emerged as a promising approach to enhance motion control and decision-making through a wide range of robotic applications. While prior research has demonstrated the efficacy of DRL algorithms in facilitating autonomous mapless navigation for aerial and terrestrial mobile robots, these methods often grapple with poor generalization when faced with unknown tasks and environments. This paper explores the impact of the Delayed Policy Updates (DPU) technique on fostering generalization to new situations and bolstering the overall performance of agents. Our analysis of DPU for aerial and terrestrial mobile robots in four simulated environments reveals that this technique significantly curtails the lack of generalization and accelerates the learning process for agents, enhancing their efficiency across diverse tasks and unknown scenarios. |
Pereira, Alejandro; Santos, Carlos; Aguiar, Marilton; Welfer, Daniel; Dias, Marcelo; de Menezes, Rafaela; Ferreira, Paulo Roberto; Rossi, Fábio; d'Ornellas, Marcos; Haygert, Carlos Jesus; Kazienko, Juliano; Comim, Fábio; Hoppe, Aurélio; Weber, Juliano; Guths, Leandro Tavares Leonardo; da Silva Guerra, Rodrigo An Improved Approach for Semantic Segmentation of Fundus Lesions using R2U-Net Proceedings Article Forthcoming In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE, Orlando, Forthcoming. @inproceedings{2024:Alejandro:EMBC, Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a microvascular complication related to diabetes that affects approximately 33% of individuals with this condition and, if not detected and treated early, can lead to irreversible vision loss. Fundus lesions such as Hard and Soft Exudates, Hemorrhages, and Microaneurysms typically identify DR. The development of computational methods to segment these lesions plays a fundamental role in the early diagnosis of the disease. This paper proposes a new approach that uses an R2U-Net combined with data augmentation techniques for segmenting fundus lesions. We trained, adjusted, and evaluated the proposed work in the DDR dataset, achieving an accuracy of 99.87% and a mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) equal 59.69%. Furthermore, we assessed it in the IDRiD dataset, achieving an mIoU of 49.92%. The results obtained in the experiments highlight the potential contribution of the model in the lesion annotations for creating new DR datasets, which is essential given the scarcity of annotations in publicly available datasets. |
2023 |
da Silva, Gabriel Rael; da Silva Guerra, Rodrigo EMG Based Serious Game For Use in Stroke Rehabilitation Proceedings Article In: SBGames 2023, IEEE, Rio Grande, 2023. @inproceedings{EMGStrokeRehab_Rael_2023, This paper introduces a proof of concept for a serious game that utilizes electromyography (EMG) signals as input, aiming to enhance the rehabilitation treatment for patients experiencing stroke sequelae. The prototype, developed with Unity's game engine, incorporates a low-cost hardware device for EMG signal reading and processing. Communication between the software and sensor is enabled through Bluetooth using an ESP32 microcontroller. The prototype includes a secondary monitor with a virtual hand to emulate Mirror Therapy. A positive evaluation from a physiotherapist validates the project for future development. |
Grando, Ricardo Bedin; de Jesus, Junior Costa; Kich, Victor Augusto; Kolling, Alisson Henrique; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Drews-Jr, Paulo Lilles Jorge DoCRL: Double Critic Deep Reinforcement Learning for Mapless Navigation of a Hybrid Aerial Underwater Vehicle with Medium Transition Proceedings Article In: 20th Latin American Robotics Symposium and 14th Brazilian Robotics Symposium (LARS/SBR), IEEE, Salvador, Bahia, 2023. @inproceedings{nokey, Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep-RL) techniques for motion control have been continuously used to deal with decision-making problems for a wide variety of robots. Previous works showed that Deep-RL can be applied to perform mapless navigation, including the medium transition of Hybrid Unmanned Aerial Underwater Vehicles (HUAUVs). These are robots that can operate in both air and water media, with future potential for rescue tasks in robotics. This paper presents new approaches based on the state-of-the-art Double Critic Actor-Critic algorithms to address the navigation and medium transition problems for a HUAUV. We show that double-critic Deep-RL with Recurrent Neural Networks using range data and relative localization solely improves the navigation performance of HUAUVs. Our DoCRL approaches achieved better navigation and transitioning capability, outperforming previous approaches. |
Gonçalves, Matheus; Corçaque, Pedro; Junior, Adir; Silva, Andressa; Oliveira, Guilherme; Almeida, Gustavo; Silva, Thássio; Guerra, Rodrigo; Drews, Paulo Visual Sensors Benchmark for Development of an Autonomous Navigation Setup for a Hybrid Unmanned Aerial Underwater Vehicle Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference Series on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Springer, Florianopolis, 2023. @inproceedings{MatheusCLAWAR23, Environments that have structures in multiple domains are a great challenge to performing inspection and monitoring tasks, often requiring several robots to perform in these environments. Hybrid vehicles can become an alternative to the use of several devices. Especially industrial marine ecosystems present a drastic change in the environment that can represent a challenge for these hybrid vehicles both in sensing and locomotion. Consequently, the use of infrared and acoustic sensors is discouraged for this particular vehicle type because they operate only in one specific medium. The infrared just works in the air and as an acoustic sensor in the underwater environment, leading to limitations concerning weight for the vehicle's structural development. Furthermore, the integration of both sensors adds complexity to the implementation of autonomy. This work presents a benchmark to evaluate the performance of visual sensors in both air and water, showing their advantages and limitations. |
2022 |
Bottega, Jair Augusto; Kich, Victor Augusto; Kolling, Alisson Henrique; dos Santos Dyonisio, Jardel; Corçaque, Pedro Lima; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Gamarra, Daniel Fernando Tello Jubileo: An Open-Source Robot and Framework for Research in Human-Robot Social Interaction Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2022), IEEE, Okinawa, Japan, 2022. @inproceedings{Jair:Jubileo:2022, Human-robot interaction (HRI) is essential to the widespread use of robots in daily life. Robots will be able to carry out a variety of duties in human civilization through effective social interaction. Creating straightforward and understandable interfaces to engage with robots as they start to proliferate in the personal workspace is essential. Typically, interactions with simulated robots are displayed on screens. A more appealing alternative is virtual reality (VR), which gives visual cues more like those seen in the real world. In this study, we introduce Jubileo, a robotic animatronic face with various tools for research and application development in human-robot social interaction field. Jubileo project offers more than just a fully functional open-source physical robot; it also gives a comprehensive framework to operate with a VR interface, enabling an immersive environment for HRI application tests and noticeably better deployment speed. |
de Jesus, Junior Costa; Kich, Victor Augusto; Kolling, Alisson Henrique; Grando, Ricardo Bedin; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Drews-Jr, Paulo Lilles Jorge Depth-CUPRL: Depth-Imaged Contrastive Unsupervised Prioritized Representations in Reinforcement Learning for Mapless Navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022), IEEE, Kyoto, Japan, 2022. @inproceedings{deJesus:DepthCUPRL:2022, Reinforcement Learning (RL) has presented an impressive performance in video games through raw pixel imaging and continuous control tasks. However, RL performs poorly with high-dimensional observations such as raw pixel images. It is generally accepted that physical state-based RL policies such as laser sensor measurements give a more sample- efficient result than learning by pixels. This work presents a new approach that extracts information from a depth map estimation to teach an RL agent to perform the mapless navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). We propose the Depth- Imaged Contrastive Unsupervised Prioritized Representations in Reinforcement Learning (Depth-CUPRL) that estimates the depth of images with a prioritized replay memory. We used a combination of RL and Contrastive Learning to lead with the problem of RL based on images. From the analysis of the results with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), it is possible to conclude that our Depth-CUPRL approach is effective for the decision-making and outperforms state-of-the-art pixel-based approaches in the mapless navigation capability. |
Grando, Ricardo Bedin; de Jesus, Junior Costa; Kich, Victor Augusto; Kolling, Alisson Henrique; Pinheiro, Pedro Miranda; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Drews-Jr, Paulo Lilles Jorge Deterministic and Stochastic Analysis of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Low Dimensional Sensing-based Navigation of Mobile Robots Proceedings Article In: 19th Latin American Robotics Symposium and 14th Brazilian Robotics Symposium (LARS/SBR), IEEE, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil, 2022. @inproceedings{Grando:HydroneDetStoch:2022, Deterministic and Stochastic techniques in Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep-RL) have become a promising solution to improve motion control and the decision-making tasks for a wide variety of robots. Previous works showed that these Deep-RL algorithms can be applied to perform mapless navigation of mobile robots in general. However, they tend to use simple sensing strategies since it has been shown that they perform poorly with a high dimensional state spaces, such as the ones yielded from image-based sensing. This paper presents a comparative analysis of two Deep-RL techniques - Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG) and Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) - when performing tasks of mapless navigation for mobile robots. We aim to contribute by showing how the neural network architecture influences the learning itself, presenting quantitative results based on the time and distance of navigation of aerial mobile robots for each approach. Overall, our analysis of six distinct architectures highlights that the stochastic approach (SAC) better suits with deeper architectures, while the opposite happens with the deterministic approach (DDPG). |
Grando, Ricardo Bedin; de Jesus, Junior Costa; Kich, Victor Augusto; Kolling, Alisson Henrique; Pinheiro, Pedro Miranda; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Drews-Jr, Paulo Lilles Jorge Mapless Navigation of a Hybrid Aerial Underwater Vehicle with Deep Reinforcement Learning Through Environmental Generalization Proceedings Article In: 19th Latin American Robotics Symposium and 14th Brazilian Robotics Symposium (LARS/SBR), IEEE, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil, 2022. @inproceedings{Grando:HydroneMaplessNav:2022, Previous works showed that Deep-RL can be applied to perform mapless navigation, including the medium transition of Hybrid Unmanned Aerial Underwater Vehicles (HUAUVs). This paper presents new approaches based on the state-of-the-art actor-critic algorithms to address the navigation and medium transition problems for a HUAUV. We show that a double critic Deep-RL with Recurrent Neural Networks improves the navigation performance of HUAUVs using solely range data and relative localization. Our Deep-RL approaches achieved better navigation and transitioning capabilities with a solid generalization of learning through distinct simulated scenarios, outperforming previous approaches. |
2021 |
Kich, Victor A.; de Jesus, Junior Costa; Grando, Ricardo B.; Kolling, Alisson H.; Heisler, Gabriel V.; Guerra, Rodrigo S. Deep Reinforcement Learning Using a Low-Dimensional Observation Filter for Visual Complex Video Game Playing Proceedings Article In: SBGames 2021, IEEE, Gramado, Brazil, 2021, ISBN: 2179-2259. @inproceedings{DeepRL_Kich_2021, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has produced great achievements since it was proposed, including the possibility of processing raw vision input data. However, training an agent to perform tasks based on image feedback remains a challenge. It requires the processing of large amounts of data from high dimensional observation spaces, frame by frame, and the agent’s actions are computed according to deep neural network policies, end-to-end. Image pre-processing is an effective way of reducing these high dimensional spaces, eliminating unnecessary information present in the scene, supporting the extraction of features and their representations in the agent’s neural network. Modern video-games are examples of this type of challenge for DRL algorithms because of their visual complexity. In this paper, we propose a low-dimensional observation filter that allows a deep Q-network agent to successfully play in a visually complex and modern video-game, called Neon Drive |
2020 |
Christmann, Guilherme; Yu-Ren, Lin; da Silva Guerra, Rodrigo; Baltes, Jacky Can a Robot Shoot an Olympic Recurve Bow? A preliminary study Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the FIRA Summit 2020, FIRA 2020. @inproceedings{2020:Christmann:HumanoidRobotOlympicBow, The field of robotics, and more especially humanoid robotics, has several established competitions with research oriented goals in mind. Challenging the robots in a handful of tasks, these competitions provide a way to gauge the state of the art in robotic design, as well as an indicator for how far we are from reaching human performance. The most notable competitions are RoboCup, which has the long-term goal of competing against a real human team in 2050, and the FIRA HuroCup league, in which humanoid robots have to perform tasks based on actual Olympic events. Having robots compete against humans under the same rules is a challenging goal, and, we believe that it is in the sport of archery that humanoid robots have the most potential to achieve it in the near future. In this work, we perform a first step in this direction. We present a humanoid robot that is capable of gripping, drawing and shooting a recurve bow at a target 10 meters away with considerable accuracy. Additionally, we show that it is also capable of shooting distances of over 50 meters. |
2019 |
Pozzobon, Luiza; Guerra, Rodrigo S; Librelotto, Giovani Rubert A Low-Cost, Compliant, Underactuated Prosthetic Hand with Custom Flex Sensors for Finger Bending Estimation Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2019. @inproceedings{Luiza:ProstheticHand:2019b, Access to quality prosthetics to aid in daily activities is a privilege of only 5% of those in need of such equipment. It is noted that the high cost of these, associated with the lack of skilled labor, are two of the factors that aggravate the situation. Thus, the need for cost-effective prosthetic technologies, targeting the population of developing countries, is observed. Inspired by this problem, this paper presents the process of conceptual study, design, and prototyping of a low-cost prosthetic hand that is compliant and underactuated. The hand has a wrist of two degrees of freedom, and five independently actuated fingers. One of the main contributions of this work is the design of a low-cost optoelectronic sensor for the finger's curvature estimation. |
da Silva Garcia, Guilherme; Christmann, Guilherme Henrique Galelli; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Librelotto, Giovani Rubert; Hirt, Eduardo Rafael; Fumagalli, Marinara Rübenich Evaluation of Exercise Motivation Competence of a Humanoid Robot: A Case Study in Brazil Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2019. @inproceedings{Garcia:MotivationRobot:2019, Regular physical exercise and decreasing sedentary behavior are essential for the health of adults. However, even with well known benefits, in 2016, it was determined that the prevalence of insufficient physical activity in the world population was 27.5%. In this paper, we utilised a humanoid robot as an instructor for physical exercise in a stationary bicycle. By applying questionnaires as well as recording sensor data, we measured the impact of the robot in the motivation and other psychological aspects, as well as the performance in 14 participants. The participants were males and females with an average age of 23.5 ± 2.38 years, and were equally and randomly divided in two groups: one with the robot instructor, and a control group. They performed two exercise sessions, after which they answered the questionnaires. The results were not statistically significant (p<0.05), but show a trend of the robot having a positive impact in the group that interacted with it, regarding their motivation, pleasure and enjoyment. The interaction also seems to have positively influenced the mood of the participants. The perceived effort, as well as average speed and cycled distance did not seem to have been influenced by the robot. Future studies, with a larger sample size, are needed to confirm the trend shown here. |
Nesvera, Daniel; Jr, Luciano Alves Cardona; Guerra, Rodrigo S. Pepper Sagt: A Serious Game for Improving Memory and Physical Activity in Elderly People Proceedings Article In: SBGames 2019, IEEE, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2019. @inproceedings{Nesvera:PepperElderly:2019, The world is facing a phenomenon of population ageing, that is, the life expectancy is increasing and the birth rate decreasing. As a consequence, the number of people suffering from diseases related to age — such as dementia — is expected to increase; and the number of caregivers is expected to decrease. This paper presents a serious game with cognitive and physical exercises designed to help the elderly, slowing the symptoms related to dementia like cognitive decline. We used the humanoid robot Pepper as the platform. The game was presented in a nursing home, where it was tested by staff members to evaluate if it is safe to be use by elderly people. A questionnaire was used to evaluate the participant’s interaction with the game. The results indicate a positive view towards the interaction and the use of the game. |
Pozzobon, Luiza; Guerra, Rodrigo S. Custom made low-cost optoelectronic flex sensor and its parameterization Proceedings Article In: XVI Latin American Robotics Symposium and VII Brazilian Robotics Symposium (LARS/SBR), IEEE, Rio Grande, Brazil, 2019. @inproceedings{Luiza:ProstheticHand:2019, The use of flex sensors to evaluate the amount of bending of certain materials has many applications that range all the way from music creation to prosthetic devices. However, commercially available flex sensors are expensive and especially difficult to afford in developing countries, among which we cite as an example Brazil. Their high cost precludes their experimentation and usage in systems that demand a high number of sensors. With this thought in mind, this paper presents the design of a low-cost optoelectronic sensor, constructed with readily available simple materials, such as a coil spring, a LED and an LDR sensor. Parameterization tests were performed to evaluate its functioning limits. It can be concluded that the reflective nature of the spring assists with the propagation of the light projected inside it, ensuring that the illumination is not interrupted early in the bending motion. The optimal sensor length is of 3 cm since it presented the most stable and consistent results. |
Trentin, Vinicius; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Librelotto, Giovani Rubert Contradictions in assessing human morals and the ethical design of autonomous vehicles Proceedings Article In: XVI Latin American Robotics Symposium and VII Brazilian Robotics Symposium (LARS/SBR), IEEE, Rio Grande, Brazil, 2019. @inproceedings{Trentin:AutonomousVehiclesMorals:2019, Autonomous vehicles (AVs) promise to bring many benefits to society, such as safety, an increase of accessibility and life quality, among others. Unlike humans, they do not get tired and, supposedly, do not fail. However, there might be cases where, due to limit visibility, occlusions or even a sensor failure, the system might not be capable to detect one or more obstacles along the vehicle's path early enough to avoid a crash. Although these situations might be rare if one considers a single vehicle, if predictions are correct, these AVs are to be adopted in large quantities in the near future, making even rare situations more commonplace. AVs will have to deal with these forced-choice situations in the best possible way. This paper presents a review of the ethical discussion regarding the matter of AVs and an analysis of a questionnaire implemented by the authors. Our results show evidence for several types of contradictory choices made by the subjects, which suggest the moral choices do not necessarily follow strict logical reasoning. |
Steffens, Cristiano; Huttner, Valquiria; Messias, Lucas; Drews-Jr, Paulo; Botelho, Silvia; Guerra, Rodrigo S. CNN-Based Luminance and Color Correction for Ill-Exposed Images Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), IEEE Signal Processing Society IEEE, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-5386-6249-6. @inproceedings{Steffens:UnderOverExposureCorrection:2019, Image restoration and image enhancement are critical image processing tasks since good image quality is mandatory for many image applications. We are particularly interested in the restoration of ill-exposed images. These effects are caused by sensor limitation or optical arrangement. They prevent the details of the scene from being adequately represented in the captured image. We proposed a deep neural network model due to the number of uncontrolled variables that impact the acquisition. The proposed network can converge in a representative model from the training data, loss, optimizations and activation functions. The obtained results are evaluated using several image quality index which indicate that the proposed network is able to improve images damaged by heterogeneous exposure. Furthermore, our method offers a significant gain over the state-of-the-art methods both in simulated data and real data. |
Pozzobon, Luiza Amador; Guerra, Rodrigo S Projeto de Mão Protética de Baixo Custo e Estudo da Viabilidade de seu Uso Para Agarre de Objetos Cotidianos Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the II Brazilian Humanoid Robot Workshop and III Brazilian Workshop on Service Robotics, pp. 130-135, Perico, Danilo Hernani and Aquino Jr, Plinio Thomaz and Tonidandel, Flavio and Drews Jr, Paulo Lilles Jorge and Guerra, Rodrigo S 2019, ISBN: 978-85-98123-14-1. @inproceedings{Pozzobon:RobotHand:2019b, Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde, apenas uma em cada dez pessoas com deficiência possui acesso a tecnologias assistivas. Dentre essas tecnologias estão as próteses, membros artificiais que podem garantir uma vida produtiva, independente e digna aos seus usuários. Contudo, apenas 5% dos amputados do mundo possuem acesso a essas, devido a seu alto custo. Esse cenário é ainda mais rudimentar em países em desenvolvimento, onde próteses ditas 'baratas' são, na verdade, caras, por causa dos materiais empregados. Desta forma, neste projeto, realizou-se a concepção e a prototipagem de uma mão protética de baixo custo e, para isso, fez-se uso de materiais plásticos, orgânicos e metálicos simplórios encontrados em quaisquer lojas locais de países em desenvolvimento. Tanto o projeto quanto o protótipo foram submetidos a testes das posições de pinça (toque do polegar e do indicador) e do power grip (fechamento total dos dedos). O protótipo, por sua vez, também realizou o agarre de cinco objetos cotidianos: um frasco de vitamina, um copo, uma bola, um caneco e uma garrafa de refrigerante, com o intuito de avaliar a viabilidade de seu uso. A intensidade de agarre de todos os movimentos foi medida por sensores óticos de dobramento presentes internamente aos dedos. Embora a prótese tenha obtido êxito nas atividades propostas, ainda não as realiza de forma satisfatória para uso. O principal aspecto de melhora seria o aperfeiçoamento do processo construtivo, com o objetivo de garantir conformidade ao projeto CAD em que foi baseado. |
2018 |
Montenegro, Fabricio Julian Carini; Grando, Ricardo Bedin; Librelotto, Giovani Rubert; Guerra, Rodrigo S Neural Network as an Alternative to the Jacobian for Iterative Solution to Inverse Kinematics Proceedings Article In: 2018 XV Latin American Robotics Symposium and IV Brazilian Robotics Symposium (LARS/SBR), IEEE, João Pessoa, Brazil, 2018. @inproceedings{Montenegro:Jacobian:2018, The inverse kinematics problem is generally very complex and many traditional solutions are targeted only to robots of certain specific topologies. The iterative method based on the (pseudo)inverse of the Jacobian matrix is a well-known, proven, and reliable general approach that can be applied to a wide variety of manipulators. However, it relies on linearizations that are only valid within a very tight neighborhood around the current pose of the manipulator. This requires the robot to move at very short steps, intensively recalculating its trajectory along the way, making this approach inefficient for certain applications. Neural networks, for their known capacity of modelling highly non-linear systems, appear as an interesting alternative. In this paper we demonstrate that neural networks can indeed be successfully trained to map task space displacements into joint angle increments, outperforming the method based on the inverse of the Jacobian when dealing with larger displacement increments. We validate our study showing comparative results for hypothetical 2-DOF and 3-DOF planar manipulators. |
Zarzicki, G.; Ferreira, E. G.; Schreiner, V. H.; V. P. Farias,; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Gamarra, D. F. T. Utilização de um Robô Quadrúpede como Instrumento de Ensino nas Aulas de Engenharia Proceedings Article In: Anais do XLVI Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia, 2018, ISSN: 2175-957X. @inproceedings{Zarzicki:QuadrupedeCobenge:2018, A fim de proporcionar um maior interesse dos alunos e uma melhor experiência no aprendizado em sala de aula, é apresentado um estudo que descreve a aplicação de um robô quadrúpede como complemento de ensino das disciplinas de engenharia. O projeto possibilita que conhecimentos específicos de programação, eletrônica e controle, sejam desenvolvidos e avaliados de maneira prática e interativa durante o andamento do curso, fato que nem sempre ocorre durante a formação dos estudantes da área das engenharias. O artigo apresenta um caso prático de aplicação de um robô quadrúpede nas aulas da disciplina de robótica industrial e seu estudo para o cálculo da cinemática inversa além dos seus resultados, baseados em relatórios feitos pelos alunos e questionários aplicados. |
Mafalda, M. M.; Rodrigues, N. V.; M., Silva R.; T Garcia, R; Cuadros, M. A. S. L.; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Legg, A. P.; Gamarra, D. F. T. Sistema de Navegação para um Robô Móvel usando um Sensor kinect e um Controlador Fuzzy Proceedings Article In: Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Sistemas Fuzzy, Fortaleza, 2018. @inproceedings{Mafalda:NavegaKinect:2018, Este artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema de navegação em ambientes internos para um robô móvel de tração diferencial. O sistema de navegação permite ao robô deslocar-se de uma pose inicial até uma pose final dentro de um ambiente indoor previamente mapeado, com o auxílio das imagens obtidas com um sensor Kinect, do software ROS e da biblioteca Rtab-Map. O sistema utiliza um controlador Fuzzy para o rastreamento da trajetória. Experimentos são ilustrados para validar o sistema proposto. |
Silva, R. M.; Garcia, T. R.; Gamarra, D. F. T.; Cuadros, M. A. S. L.; Guerra, Rodrigo S. Controle da Trajetória de um Robô Móvel Utilizando Odometria e Lógica Fuzzy Proceedings Article In: Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Sistemas Fuzzy, Fortaleza, 2018. @inproceedings{Silva:NavegaFuzzy:2018, This work aimed to demonstrate the use of odometry in order to control and track the trajectory of a mobile robot using a Fuzzy controller. The Architecture and integration in software and hardware of the proposed system is describer. Results in a simulation environment and with a real robot are shown. |
2017 |
Pozzobon, Luiza A.; Garcia, Guilherme S.; Almeida, Anthony; Lima, Carolina R.; Brollo, Thais M.; Guerra, Rodrigo S; Librelotto, Giovani R. Reconhecimento de Fala para Robô Humanoide com o Auxílio de APIs Proceedings Article In: Anais do IV Workshop-Escola de Informática Teórica, Santa Maria, 2017, ISSN: 2236-9163. @inproceedings{Pozzobon:SpeechBeo:2017, Humanoid robots are robots that imitate the human appearance and actions, implying a greater empathy. An essential element to the human-robot relation is the speech recognition and interpretation. Evidencing that there are no solutions in Brazilian Portuguese for this purpose, we developed a system capable to recognize and interpret the speech using APIs. This system is capable of performing the transcription of the audio to text and extract the intent and information of phrases. The present article shows the system development and reports its application in a humanoid robot. |
Garcia, Thiago R.; Valente, Ricardo L.; Schirmer, Ricardo D.; Jesus, Junior C.; Schuster, Bruno; Severo, Marlon B.; Richards, David R.; Conrad, Carlos C.; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Silva, Rodrigo M.; Gamarra, Daniel F. T. Construção de um Robô Móvel para Ensino das Disciplinas dos Cursos de Engenharia Proceedings Article In: Anais do XLV Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia, 2017, ISSN: 2175-957X. @inproceedings{Garcia:MobileRobot:2017, Neste artigo é descrita a construção de um robô móvel de baixo custo que visa servir de suporte para o ensino em engenharia principalmente, nos cursos de engenharia de controle e automação, computação e elétrica. O robô móvel é composto por motores de corrente contínua, encoders, drivers, microcontrolador (Arduino), sensores ultrassônicos e de movimento (kinect), câmera além de outros materiais que suportam toda a estrutura tais como MDF, hastes de alumínio e acrílico sendo que estes, apesar de ter valor relativamente alto, foram adquiridos através de sobras e sucatas doadas pelo Núcleo de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia Elétrica (NUPEDEE), setor em que foi fabricado o robô e, também, onde está situado o grupo de pesquisa em robótica. Este artigo descreve alguns resultados de trabalhos já desenvolvidos utilizando o robô móvel e, também, os resultados da aplicação de um pequeno questionário nos alunos que utilizaram o robô. |
Schirmer, Ricardo D.; Ferreira, Emilio G.; Garcia, Thiago R.; Junior, Nelson G. O.; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Gamarra, Daniel F. T. Introdução a Robótica Nas Escolas de Ensino Médio de Santa Maria Proceedings Article In: Anais do XLV Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia, ABENGE Joinville, 2017, ISSN: 2175-957X. @inproceedings{Schirmer:Quadrupede:2017, Para despertar o interesse dos alunos do ensino médio na área de engenharia, desenvolveu-se um projeto de introdução a robótica que utiliza a interdisciplinaridade dos conteúdos ensinados nas escolas como matemática e física, com os estudados na universidade como mecânica, elétrica e de programação. Para facilitar a absorção de conteúdos complexos como a robótica, desenvolveu-se um plano de aprendizagem estruturado desde a preparação da máquina utilizada para o ensino à forma linear das apresentações. A formatação do projeto procurou, através de um diálogo simples levar conhecimento prático e técnico, misturando com o que foi aprendido na sala de aula, criar ligações simples fazendo com que o aluno esteja mais confortável com conteúdos mais complexos. O artigo descreve o processo desde a adaptação do robô ao ensino até o feedback das apresentações. |
2016 |
Ahmadi, Ahmadreza; Tatsch, Christopher; Montenegro, Fabricio J. C; Tani, J; Guerra, Rodrigo S. Dimitri: A Low-Cost Compliant Humanoid Torso Designed for Cognitive Robotics Research Proceedings Article In: 2016 XIII Latin American Robotics Symposium and IV Brazilian Robotics Symposium (LARS/SBR), pp. 67-72, IEEE, Recife, Brazil, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5090-3656-1. @inproceedings{Ahmadi:Dimitri:2016, This work presents Dimitri, an open-software & open-hardware robot torso equipped with modular low cost compliant joints, built to allow advanced research on human-robot interaction, force-aware object manipulation and environment exploration. The robot has 13 DOFs: 4 DOFs with series elastic actuators in each arm, 3 DOFs for roll, pitch and yaw of the waist, and 2 DOFs for head pan and tilt. Our main innovation is in the employment of a polyurethane based compliant spring system attached to conventional robotics servo motors, turning them into low-cost series elastic actuators (SEAs). To demonstrate the robot's capabilities in the context of cognitive robotics research and goal-directed behavior, we successfully employed a multiple timescale recurrent neural network (MTRNN), enabling the robot to reproduce combined prototypical movement patterns previously trained via interactive demonstration. |
Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Garcia, Guilherme S.; Miollo, Guilherme; Bertrand, Camille F. Proposta de Metodologia de Aula Invertida Dividida em Seis Fases: Um Estudo de Caso Proceedings Article In: Reis, Susana C. (Ed.): Anais do II Simpósio Internacional Sobre Games, Gamification e Tecnologias Educacionais, pp. 112–125, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Biblioteca Central da UFSM, 2016. @inproceedings{Guerra:AulaInvertida:2016, O estudante contemporâneo escolhe quando, como e onde buscar conhecimento. A geração atual tem acesso à informação em tempo real e vive imersa em um universo digital e de múltiplas tarefas, com notificações instantâneas que muitas vezes dividem sua atenção. Essas mudanças têm efeito no ambiente da sala de aula, na qual o professor, que antes possuía o papel de detentor e provedor de conhecimento, atualmente assume cada vez mais o papel de mediador. Nesse contexto, há um crescente uso de aulas invertidas (O’FLAHERTY, 2015), onde o aluno é mais ativo e possui maior autonomia no processo de aprendizado (DELOZIER, 2016). O presente trabalho propõe uma metodologia para aulas invertidas focada na experiência do aluno e no planejamento dos ritmos das aulas presenciais. Nossa metodologia consiste em seis fases: (1) disponibilização de conteúdo antes de cada aula; (2) quiz em tempo real; (3) revisão de quiz; (4) aprendizagem por pares; (5) apresentação de exercícios; e (6) execução dos exercícios em grupos. Contrariando o formato tradicional, o uso de celular e redes sociais é incentivado durante as aulas. Os conteúdos são disponibilizados aos alunos através de rede social antes de cada aula em diferentes formatos, tais como: vídeos, slides, tutoriais, e artigos. Em sala, no início de cada aula, aplicam-se quizzes utilizando o aplicativo Socrative que gera resultado em tempo real, permitindo revisão focada apenas em conteúdos onde os alunos demonstraram baixo aproveitamento. Em seguida, dedicam-se alguns minutos para que os alunos debatam entre si. Por fim, exercícios de cunho aberto são apresentados e solucionados em grupos ocasionalmente sorteados. Esta metodologia foi aplicada em todas as 30 aulas (60h) da disciplina de Estrutura de Dados para Automação do curso de Engenharia de Controle e Automação da UFSM, numa turma de 43 alunos. Neste trabalho descrevemos em detalhe esta experiência. |
Miranda, Rafael S.; Guerra, Rodrigo S. Algoritmo de Caminhada em Malha Fechada para Robô Humanoide Darwin Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the Brazilian Humanoid Robot Workshop, 2016. @inproceedings{Miranda:Waling:2016, A caminhada de robôs humanoides bípedes representa um grande desafio para utilização destes robôs em ambientes não adaptados. A copa de futebol de robôs, RoboCup, tem como um de seus objetivos incentivar a pesquisa na área e a partir edição de 2015 passou a utilizar gramado sintético no campo de jogo, o que dificultou a manutenção do equilíbrio dos robôs. Este trabalho descreve modificações no algoritmo de caminhada em malha aberta proposto por Marcell Missura em 2013 que visam o controle do equilíbrio em malha fechada. Para isso foram feitas duas alterações baseadas na percepção de postura: (1) controle de fase do movimento com base na inclinação lateral (roll) e (2) mudança na abordagem do sinal de referência de velocidade sagital para inclinação sagital (pitch). Estas alterações resultaram em um controle de equilíbrio mais estável, porém com deslocamento mais lento e, por vezes, oscilatório. Acredita-se que com algumas melhorias o algoritmo possa ser suficientemente estável e eficiente para utilização do mesmo em edições seguintes. |
Londero, Fabrício T.; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Librelotto, Giovani R. Bússola Visual para Futebol de Robôs Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the Brazilian Humanoid Robot Workshop, 2016. @inproceedings{Londero:BussolaVisual:2016, This article describes an alternative to the location problem faced by humanoid robots in football matches for the RoboCup. Using only a webcam robot, it is an analysis of frames received with frames previously stored to stipulate the location of the robot on the field. Thus, solving one of the most trivial errors of robots, the own goal. |
2015 |
Martins, Leandro T.; Tatsch, Christopher A.; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Gerndt, Reinhard; Dallasta, Vitor A Polyurethane-based Series Elastic Actuator Proceedings Article In: Guerra, Rodrigo S. (Ed.): Proceedings of the II Brazilian Service Robotics Workshop, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 2015. @inproceedings{Martins:SEA:2015C, This article extends previous work, presenting a novel polyurethane based compliant spring system designed to be attached to a conventional robotics servo motor, turning it into a series elastic actuator (SEA). The new system is composed by only two mechanical parts: a torsional polyurethane spring and a round aluminum support for link attachment. The polyurethane spring, had its design derived from a iterative FEM-based optimization process. We present practical results using a PID controller for robust position holding. |
Rosa, Lucas W. D.; Cunha, Vitor D.; Wollmeister, Guilherme P.; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Gamarra, Daniel F. T. Reconstruction of a Quadruped Robot for Application in Hostile Environments, Research and Teaching in Robotics Area Proceedings Article In: Guerra, Rodrigo S. (Ed.): Proceedings of the II Brazilian Robotics Workshop, 2015. @inproceedings{Rosa:Quadruped:2015, This article describes the project of restoration of a quadruped robot brought from Japan, the TITAN-VIII. The restoration process covers the complete renewing of its electronics, adding sensors to allow the robot move in hostile environments, the development of control software to make the robot operate autonomously. The changes made on the robot reconstruction process aim to create a quadruped robot capable of assisting in activities where the human beings are not able to act directly and simultaneously using the robot as a learning and researching platform in the field of robotics. |
Matoso, Milton B. M.; Berwanger, Fernando Henrique; Rosendo, Andre; Guerra, Rodrigo S. Dual-stage hysteresis-based pressure control of constrained on/off pneumatic valves for McKibben actuators Proceedings Article In: Guerra, Rodrigo S. (Ed.): Proceedings of the II Brazilian Service Robotics Workshop, 2015. @inproceedings{Matoso:McKibben:2015, Pneumatic artificial muscles (PAMs) are very used in the field of biomimetics, where its good power/weight relationship makes them a good option to mimic animals. Seeking to better explore precise controllers on these actuators using on-off valves, in this work we use three different valves controlling a pneumatic muscle and prove that the proposed algorithm, a dual-stage hysteresis control in a 10ms loop, has a better performance than a traditional hysteresis method. Our method had a higher precision while keeping a similar airflow to the traditional method. This improves our capacity to build more precise, lightweight robots for faster locomotion. |
2014 |
Teixeira, Carolina T.; Pretto, Roberta M.; Freitas, Soraia N.; Guerra, Rodrigo S. Grupo de Interesse em Robótica – Uma Experiência em Programa de Enriquecimento Proceedings Article In: Anais do VI Encontro Nacional do ConBraSD, pp. 203–204, 2014, ISBN: 978-85-68398-02-9. @inproceedings{Teixeira:RoboticaEducacional:2014, O presente trabalho aborda a experiência vivenciada durante o ano de 2013 em um programa de enriquecimento por meio de um grupo de interesse em Robótica que trabalha com alunos identificados com altas habilidades/superdotação. Esse programa de enriquecimento acontece na cidade de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul no projeto ―Programa de Incentivo ao Talento – PIT: valorizando potenciais‖ (PIT). O trabalho é realizado em conjunto por dois grupos de pesquisa da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM): o Grupo de Automação e Robótica Aplicada (GARRA), e o Grupo de Pesquisa Educação Especial: Interação e Inclusão Social (GPESP). Os objetivos do grupo de interesse em Robótica visam além de ser um espaço para os alunos desenvolverem suas habilidades e serem estimulados a novas descobertas também, incentivar a realização de projetos experimentais (práticos) de modo que o aluno veja seu trabalho sendo produzido e aprimorar conhecimentos de programação em blocos que é um estágio inicial para a aprendizagem de programação. Como referencial teórico são utilizados os seguintes autores: Renzulli (2004), que defende a proposta de enriquecimento escolar para alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação; Silva Melo, Azoubel, Padilha (2009) e Castilho (2004) que elucidam a respeito do uso da robótica na educação. O referido projeto acontece durante as manhãs de sábado conforme o calendário letivo escolar. Todos os encontros são planejados com antecedência, definindo-se atividades práticas e construtivas que possam estimular os alunos participantes a desenvolver suas altas habilidades. Estas atividades têm objetivos definidos, buscando realizar atividades que correspondam ao interesse específico dos alunos participantes e atender às necessidades apresentadas por eles. Foram oportunizadas aos alunos experiências que passassem pelos três tipos de enriquecimento apresentados por Renzulli (2004). Pode-se perceber um avanço, devido ao interesse dos alunos, nas áreas como lógica de programação e montagem de robôs mais complexos. |
Vitor D. Cunha Lucas W. D. Rosa, Guilherme P. Wollmeister; Gamarra, Daniel F. T. Reconstrução de um Robô Quadrúpede para Aplicação em Ambientes Hostis Proceedings Article In: Anais do XXVI Congresso Regional de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica em Engenharia (CRICTE), 2014, ISSN: 2318-3438. @inproceedings{Rosa:Quadruped:2014, Será descrito o projeto de restauração de um robô quadrúpede trazido do Japão, o TITAN-VIII, renovando completamente sua eletrônica, agregando sensores para que o robô possa se deslocar em ambientes hostis e desenvolvendo um software de controle para que seja possível sua operação de forma autônoma. As mudanças feitas no processo de reconstrução do robô têm o objetivo de criar um robô quadrúpede capaz de auxiliar em atividades onde o ser humano não é capaz de agir diretamente. |
Iochims, Kevim; Ramos, Ana E.; Guerra, Rodrigo S. Software de Controle para Robô de Telepresença Proceedings Article In: Anais do XXVI Congresso Regional de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica em Engenharia (CRICTE), 2014, ISSN: 2318-3438. @inproceedings{Iochims:Telepresenca:2014, Este documento relata o projeto e contrução de um Robô de Telepresença e demonstra como este robô será utilizado em clínicas médicas. Trata-se de um dispositivo a ser aplicado em ambientes médicos com o objetivo de ajudar no convívio social das crianças, que por razão do câncer, devido à fragilização do sistema imunológico decorrente do tratamento, têm de ficar em isolamento. Queremos com essa atividade diminuir os impactos que uma internação dessas costuma causar a elas, reduzindo o confinamento social sem romper o isolamento clínico. |
2011 |
Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Aonuma, Hitoshi; Hosoda, Koh; Asada, Minoru Combining EMG Recording and Robust Tracking for Insect/Robot Mixed Society Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of 23rd SICE Symposium on Decentralized Autonomous Systems, 2011. @inproceedings{Guerra:MixedSociety:2011, This work presents new developments for the behavior study of free moving insects. Crickets of the species Gryllus bimaculatus are marked with small circular bar codes and an overhead consumer high-definition camera is used for recording their movements. This allowed the accurate and robust tracking of id, position and orientation of up to 16 individuals simultaneously. A micro-robot is used for provoking behaviors in a controlled way, while a thin cooper wire is used for recording the corresponding muscle activity. Later tracking data is combined with the recorded waves of muscle activity for a thorough behavior analysis. |
Aonuma, Hitoshi; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Asada, Minoru; Hosoda, Koh Manipulation of aggressive behavior of the cricket using a small robot Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines, 2011. @inproceedings{Aonuma:MixedSociety:2011, Male crickets Gryllus bimaculatus are known to exhibit intensive aggressive behavior towards other males. These crickets are often used as an experimental model in aggression researches. We establish a real-time recording system and behavior manipulation system using a small robot that can elicit aggressive behavior in a test cricket. |
2009 |
Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Aonuma, Hitoshi; Hosoda, Koh; Asada, Minoru Using Micro-robots as a Tool for Insect Behavior Studies Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of IROS Workshop on Mobiligence: Social Adaptive Functions in Animals and Multi-Agent Systems, 2009. @inproceedings{Guerra:MixedSociety:2009, This paper presents a multidisciplinary experiment setup inspired on the LEURRE project where robots are used for animal behavior studies in a robot/animal mixed-society. Crickets of the species Gryllus bimaculatus are let interact with micro-robots equipped with decoys or lures. Unlike previous work, here we use the robots as tools focusing on the insect study itself rather than attempting to design an autonomous robot that mimics cricket behavior. A set of experiments is performed demonstrating the new ways in which even simple open-loop robot movement playback can be successfully used for animal behavior exploration. These experiments focused on the comparative study of the escaping behavior of dominant and subordinate male crickets after a dominance dispute is settled. Results are shown and discussed. |
2008 |
Gerndt, Reinhard; Schridde, Carsten; Guerra, Rodrigo S. On the Aspects of Simulation in the Robocup Mixed Reality Soccer Systems Proceedings Article In: Workshop Proceedings of SIMPAR 2008, pp. 159–166, Venice, Italy, 2008, ISBN: 978-88-95872-01-8. @inproceedings{Gerndt:MixedReality:2008, This paper describes the different aspects of simulation in the Mixed Reality (MR) (previously physical visualization) sub-league of the RoboCup soccer simulation league. Unlike other leagues, the Mixed Reality combines simula-tion and reality. The classical RoboCup simulation leagues offer a test bed for abstract behaviors and complex environments. Leagues with real robots allow interacting with physical environments. Mixed Reality incorporates all these aspects. It thus bridges the gap between simulated and real robot leagues. In this paper we will present the overall structure of the system and point out the dif-ferent aspects simulation plays in the MR system. |
2007 |
Guerra, Rodrigo S; Boedecker, Joschka; Mayer, Norbert M; Yanagimachi, Shinzo; Ishiguro, Hiroshi; Asada, Minoru A New Minirobotics System for Teaching and Researching Agent-based Programming Proceedings Article In: Uskov, Vladimir (Ed.): Proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, pp. 39–44, ACTA Press, Beijing, China, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-88986-700-0. @inproceedings{Guerra:MicrorobotEducation:2007, This work describes a novel minirobotics system which incorporates mature technology proven efficient over the years in multi-agent robotic soccer competitions into a new versatile research and educational platform. We describe the technical aspects supporting this multi-agent robotic framework, and as an example application, we describe a method for introducing agent based programming concepts as a hands-on experience targeted at inexperienced students learning C as their first programming language. |
Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Boedecker, Joschka; Yanagimachi, Shinzo; Asada, Minoru Introducing a New Minirobotics Platform for Research and Edutainment Proceedings Article In: Rückert, Ulrich; Sitte, Joaquin; Witkowski, Ulf (Ed.): Proceedings of the 4th International AMiRE Symposium , pp. 91–98, 2007, (Best Paper Award). @inproceedings{Guerra:MixedReality:2007, This work describes a novel minirobotics system which incorporates mature technology proven efficient over the years in multi-agent robotic soccer competitions and introduces new collaborative development concepts shifting essential research issues from the playing agents themselves to the development of a new versatile research and educational platform. This shows how team’s efforts for winning a robotics competition can be transformed into a cooperative development driving force towards a shared standard system with applications much beyond the robotic games themselves. We describe in detail the technical aspects supporting this multi-agent robotic framework, integrating cutting-edge and low cost watch technology in the form of a miniature multi-robot system which mixes reality and simulation. |
Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Boedecker, Joschka; Ishiguro, Hiroshi; Asada, Minoru Successful Teaching of Agent-Based Programming to Novice Undergrads in a Robotic Soccer Crash Course Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the 25th SIG-Challenge JSAI, pp. 21–26, 2007. @inproceedings{Guerra:Education:2007, This work describes a method for introducing agent based programming concepts as a hands-on experience targeted at inexperienced students learning C as their first programming language. The approach is based on three main features: (a) a simplified C interface to the RoboCup 2D soccer simulation framework; (b) a strict agent-centered polar vector arithmetics approach for describing soccer skills and agent behaviors; and (3) on a tournament at the end of the course to give students an opportunity to evaluate their programs against one another in a fun environment. We present data of our experience performing a five-day (15h) course with sixty second-year engineering bachelor students who had just barely learned the basics of computer programming. We show how, based on the described scheme, students with very limited computer programming experience became able to develop their own teams of autonomous agents, in some cases including concepts such as dynamic role-assignment, multi-agent coordination, and team formation. We defend the method presented here helps exposing the students to valuable experience ahead of their normal schedule, and boosting overall motivation and performance. |
Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Boedecker, Joschka; Asada, Minoru Physical Visualization Sub-League: A New Platform for Research and Edutainment Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the 25th SIG-Challenge JSAI, pp. 15–20, 2007. @inproceedings{Guerra:MixedReality:2007b, This work introduces a novel minirobotics system which is to become a new sub-league of the RoboCup Soccer Simulation League, called Physical Visualization. We incorporate mature technology proven efficient over the years in other RoboCup leagues and we introduce new collaborative development concepts into the games of this new sub-league shifting essential research issues from the playing agents themselves to the development of a new versatile research and educational platform. We describe in detail the technical aspects supporting this multi-agent robotic framework, integrating cutting-edge and low cost watch technology in the form of a miniature multi-robot system which mixes reality and simulation. Competition formats and roadmaps are presented and discussed and the advantages for education and research applications are emphasized. Finally we discuss benefits of this new platform in terms of standardization, flexibility and reasonable price and try to characterize and discuss the future possibilities enabled by this project and the place of this new sub-league within the RoboCup community. |
2006 |
Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Boedecker, Joschka; Mayer, Norbert M.; Yanagimachi, Shinzo; Hirosawa, Yasuji; Yoshikawa, Kazuhiko; Namekawa, Masaaki; Asada, Minoru CITIZEN Eco-Be! League: bringing new flexibility for research and education to RoboCup Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the 24th SIG-Challenge JSAI, pp. 13–18, 2006. @inproceedings{Guerra:MixedReality:2006, The RoboCup 4-legged and Simulation leagues offer good examples of the benefits that can be achieved by using a standardized platform that allows for an easy comparison of results and concepts in robotics research. However, there is a lack of a standard platform that provides the flexibility of simulations in real robots at a reasonable price. To address this, we introduce a new setup based on a project sponsored by CITIZEN Co. Japan. It allows for a huge variety of different usages for a large number of mini-robots in an augmented reality (AR) environment at quite inexpensive costs. The core of the project is the CITIZEN Eco-Be! mini-robot. It is built with cutting edge technology in miniature robotics using high quality and low-cost CITIZEN watch technology. Finally, a new RoboCup league is proposed which should allow RoboCuppers to face an assortment of new interesting and challenging research issues, all based on the presented setup. |
Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Boedecker, Joschka; Yamauchi, Kazunori; Maekawa, Taro; Asada, Minoru; Hirosawa, Yasuji; Namekawa, Masaaki; Yoshikawa, Kazuhiko; Yanagimachi, Shinzo; Masubuchi, Sadao; Nishimura, Ken CITIZEN Eco-Be! and the RoboCup Physical Visualization League Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of Micromechatronics Technical Lectures, Tokyo, 2006. @inproceedings{Guerra:MixedReality:2006b, We describe a new standard research and education platform integrating cutting-edge and low cost watch technology into a miniature multi-robot system which mixes reality and simulation. We also introduce the concepts of a new competition, so-called ”Physical Visualization”, to be part of RoboCup – the international robot soccer competition – from 2007 on. |
2005 |
Mayer, Norbert M.; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Ogino, Masaki; Asada, Minoru Stabilizing a Biped Robot by Using a Symmetric Rotor Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the Robotics and Mechatronics Conference (ROBOMEC'05), Kobe, 2005. @inproceedings{Mayer:ActiveWheel:2005, We present here some concepts and simulations in which a dynamic walker is stabilized by using a fast heavy rotor, a gyro. The dynamics of a symmetric, fast rotating gyro is different from that of a non-rotating solid body, e.g. in the case of small disturbances it tends to keep the axes the same. This circumstance is used and tested in a passive dynamic walker. Results show that the rotor enhances the stability of the walking in the simulations. |
2002 |
Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Junior, Hermes J. Gonçalves; Lages, Walter F. A Digital PID Controller Using RTAI Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the Fourth Real Time Linux Workshop, 2002. @inproceedings{Guerra:RTLinuxPWM:2002, This work presents an implementation of a digital PID (Proportional+ Integral+Differential) controller in a PC machine running RTAI. PID controllers are well known and have a wide range of applications in the control of analog systems such as servomotors. In order to achieve the desired performance the system output (axis position) is feed-back to the PID controller which generates… the system input (motor voltage), in a closed loop. The controller computes the error between the desired system output (reference) and the actual system output. Then, the system input, which is the PID controller output, is generated as weighted sum of the error, its integral and its differential. The weighting coefficients are known as controller gains and referred as Kp, Ki, and Kd. The values of the controller gains determines the performance of the closed loop system and even its stability. The design of PID controllers is outside the scope of this paper, however it should be said that its values are very dependent on the sampling rate at which system output is read and the new value for system input generated. Therefore it is highly desirable to have an accurate sampling rate. For typical mechanical systems, the adequate sampling rate is in the range of milliseconds. Thus, well implemented PID controllers are usually hard real time systems. The PID controller described in this work uses the PC parallel port as an analog I/O interface. Just two bits are used. One to read the system output and the other to generate the system input. As the system input and output are analog variables, a technique called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is used to generate (and read) analog values using digital signals. This technique is based on varying the duty cycle of a rectangular wave accordingly to the analog value to be represented. By using PWM, an analog interface can be built without the use of conventional A/D and D/A converters. However, the switching rate of the PWM signal should be fast enough to be filtered by the system under control. For typical mechanical systems that means a few hundreds of microseconds. The implemented system can be characterized by four main tasks: Two PWM tasks which generate the input and output signals, a PID task responsible for the controller in a proper sense and a user interface task. Except for the user interface task, each one of the main tasks has its own time requirements which must be accurately met. The user interface was implemented as a plain Linux process using the NCurses library. Real time tasks were provided by threads under LXRT hard real time mode. The implementation of PWM under RTAI using the timing functions provided by RTAI are presented and the convenience of using these functions for actual real time control is discussed. In Particular, the semantics of rt_sleep() is analyzed in details and it is shown that the current semantics can lead to an confusing interpretation of what a periodic task is and what a task period is. Furthermore the current semantics of rt_sleep() is incompatible with the the semantics of rt_busy_sleep(), which can lead to even more confusion. A new semantics for rt_sleep() is suggested and the corresponding implementation presented. |
Alt, Gustavo H.; Guerra, Rodrigo S.; Lages, Walter F. An Assessment of Real-Time Robot Control over IP Networks Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the Fourth Real Time Linux Workshop, 2002. @inproceedings{Alt:Networks:2002, This paper presents an assessment of the performance of a real time controller using an IP network to link the controller, the sensor and the actuator. This control system is part of a anthropomorphic robot manipulator with two arms and a pan-and-tilt stereo vision head, totalizing 19 joints. Each joint has an actuator, an incremental encoder, an electromagnetic break and an inductive contact sensor. There are also two six-axis force sensors. In order to cope with all devices an distributed control system was implemented. The devices are all connected to an IP network and the real time control loops are configured by software and run over the IP network. The real time requirements of the control loops, which must run at 100Hz rate, are enforced by using RTAI in LXRT hard real time mode. RTAI is also used for monitoring the time behavior of the network packets, in order to deal with the best-effort of assumption of the IP network. Indeed, an IP network assures that it will do its best effort to deliver each data packet, but there is no guarantee that the packet will be delivered. However, a real time control loop must run at an accurate rate or the system performance or stability will be impacted. Therefore, sensor data must be feed to the controller at the same rate, or it will not be able to compute the control action. Hence, the ability of the IP network to deliver the packets with reliability and rate accuracy is very important. Of course, IP networks were not designed with such applications in mind, but it is very difficult to neglect the low-costs due to mass-production. The time behavior and the performance of a controller implemented over an IP network is characterized and compared with those obtained with a local controller. A method to deal with lost packages is also proposed. The key to this method is to note that a control network does not carry digital data in the same sense a generic computer network. A control network carries control signals in a digital format, hence the corruption of the digital data can be tolerated as long as the control signal can be recovered. This paper proposes a method to recover the control signal even in the presence of lost or late packets. |
My Ph.D. Thesis
2010 |
Guerra, Rodrigo S. Using Insect/Robot Mixed Society as a Tool for Animal Behavior Studies PhD Thesis Osaka University, 2010. @phdthesis{Guerra:MixedSociety:2010c, This thesis proposes a novel robot/insect mixed society setup which enhances the possibilities for insect behavioral research and can be used as a powerful tool for interdisciplinary studies on insect behavior. We also present a study on cricket behavior using our setup. A novelty of our method lies in using the robots as tools for the controlled evoking of specific insect behaviors rather than trying to build an insect-like robot. Field crickets of the species Gryllus bimaculatus were allowed to interact with micro-robots equipped with decoys thus allowing for controlled dynamic interactions. This enables the stimulation of insect behaviors that are usually difficult to evoke by using insects alone, allowing consistent behavioral research. A camera records the interaction and the video is later processed for automatic tracking of each encounter between cricket and robot. The set of experiments here described focused on the comparative study of the behavior of dominant and subordinate male crickets after a dominance dispute is settled. From these experiments we were able to collect evidence on the differences between subordinate and dominant behavior towards different decoys. We also demonstrate the use of our setup for stimulating agonistic behavior during an electromyography recording session. |
My Master Thesis
2004 |
Guerra, Rodrigo S. Calibração Automática de Sistemas de Visão Estéreo a Partir de Movimentos Desconhecidos Masters Thesis UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, 2004. @mastersthesis{Guerra:StereoVisionCalibration:2004, This dissertation presents a method for automatic calibration of a pair of cameras undergoing an unknown motion. The calibration process here described is entirely based on the scene rigidity and on the invariance of the cameras intrinsic paramters during the movement. There is no necessity for any special calibration artifact. This work shows a complete approach, from the point matching process to the estimation of camera parameters. No assumption is made about the knowledge of cameras motion or the scene 3D layout. Examples of application of this method are the experiments where the camera calibration must be realized remotely, making it difficult to position the calibration artifacts in the target scene, as it happens with interplanetary exploration robots. |
Bachelor Theses Advised by Me
2024 |
de Cordova, Lucas Benedetti Viana Método baseado em autoencoder para geolocalização de veículos aéreos utilizando imagens de satélite Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, FURG, 2024, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{LucasBenedetti:AutoencoderGeoloc:2024, This undergraduate project investigates the applicability of a computer vision-based method for geolocating aerial vehicles. The study takes as its starting point a method orig- inally proposed in the context of short and low-altitude flights and evaluates its suitability for higher-altitude and longer-distance flights. The presented strategy aims to match an airborne-captured ground image with a database of georeferenced satellite images for the geolocation of an aircraft in longer aerial missions. The proposed method is based on an autoencoder neural network, which encodes satellite images into vector representa- tions (embeddings) before performing matching through cross-correlation. The model was evaluated in terms of accuracy and processing time. Finally, an assessment of this approach was made by simulating its application in the geolocation of aircraft on a 200 km path, heading north, at a fixed altitude of 6000 m. To simulate the in-flight image cap- ture, satellite images captured at different times from those present in the georeferenced image database were used. It was demonstrated that the implemented method is capable of learning discriminative representations of medium-altitude satellite images, achieving an accuracy of approximately 90% during the experiments. |
2023 |
Bortoluzzi, Nicolas Pieper Redes YOLO aplicadas à detecção de mergulhadores em imagens acústicas Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, FURG, 2023, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Bortoluzzi:FLRYOLO:2023, The use of divers in underwater missions is something that occurs in different environments, both in the Oil & Gas Industry and outside it. Currently, missions involving an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) in conjunction with divers is not something that occurs so often for several reasons, such as the high danger of using AUVs close to the diver and the difficulty of using cameras due to the high turbidity in the water. This aid of AUVs to divers could bring several benefits, such as allowing the vehicle to document the mission, assist in search and rescue, inform the position of divers in relation to the AUV, carry supplies and, even in autonomous missions, recognize divers on site, if found. This work seeks to study the feasibility of applying current techniques, based on deep learning, to this problem, specifically evaluating the architecture of neural networks You Only Look Once (YOLO) for the detection of divers in images forward-looking sonar (FLS) comparing results between versions implemented in previous works. For this, data from an FLS sonar were used, and the YOLOv8, YOLOv7 and YOLOv3 versions. The focus of this work will be to bring YOLOv8 and YOLOv7 as updated detection methods with FLS sonar datain addition to generating a dataset with data from Soundmetrics Aris Explorer 3000. The YOLOv7 and YOLOv8 versions were selected because they were the most up-to-date at the time of execution of the present work, and YOLOv3 for being the one with the highest performance in a similar work, developed by (KVASIĆ; MIŠKOVIĆ; VUKIĆ, 2019), with a focus on detection of divers using FLS sonar and convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithms. At the end of this work, it was possible to conclude that the YOLOv8 algorithm had the best performance of all, having a hit rate of 97%, followed by YOLOv7 with a precision of 93% and, finally, YOLOv3 , with a rate of 86%. |
2022 |
da Silva, Gabriel Rael Jogo Sério com Biofeedback para Reabilitação de Pacientes de AVE Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, UFSM, 2022, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Rael:JogoSerioEMG:2022, The present work proposes a proof-of-concept for a serious game that uses electromyography (EMG) signals as input and is intended to be used as part of the rehabilitation treatment of patients with stroke sequelae. The prototype here presented was created with the game development engine Unity and employs an open-source hardware device for reading EMG and signal processing, using Bluetooth for communication between software and the sensor by means of an ESP32 microcontroller. In order to emulate the effects of Mirror Therapy, a second monitor with a graphic representation of the patient's hand and a structure that obstructs the view of the patient's real hand were also included in the prototype. |
Pretto, Roberta M Geração de Apresentações Orais com Expressividade Emocional em um Robô Humanoide Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, UFSM, 2022, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Pretto:Beo:2022, With the increase in activities performed remotely, self-service systems and, more recently, the need for social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of robotics and autonomous systems for activities that demand interactions with the public have been increasingly studied. Among the emerging solutions to this demand are social robots and, in particular, humanoid robots. The latter, through their anthropomorphic form, seek to communicate with humans in a more intuitive and natural way, causing a sense of social presence, thus achieving a better engagement with people. Within this context, an extremely relevant problem is the expression of natural gestures and movements, which are in tune with the robot’s speech. The act of demonstrating emotions in speech increases affective communication and understanding of what is said by generating empathy between the robot and its target audience. In this work we propose a method for the automatic generation of oral presentations, from written scripts, with body movements and expressions, based on emotions automatically associated with the text, via algorithm trained with artificial neural networks. |
2020 |
Pozzobon, Luiza Amador Um Estudo da Classificação de Emoções em Faces Parcialmente Oclusas Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, UFSM, 2020, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Pozzobon:FaceClass:2020, With the increased use of intelligent technologies or machines by the average user, the need for the creation of human-centered computers and algorithms urges attention. In this sense, the inference of the emotional state of the human being with which a machine interacts with is fundamental for the establishment and regulation of affective connections, having applications in areas ranging from education to assistive technologies. The usage of intelligent algorithms, however, is starting to be regularized, and projects such as the General Data Protection Regulation guarantees for the user the right to an explanation of such automated inferences. This work is rooted in both topics mentioned: emotion estimation from facial images and the explicability of the intelligent algorithm in question. For this, we compared neural network architectures with and without attention mechanisms, trained separately in two datasets, with and without the presence of facial occlusions. At the end of the study, it is found that the addition of attention mechanisms contributes positively to emotion classification in most cases. Also, training with occluded images seems to expand the focus of a neural network on other input images. Regarding the CK+ dataset, the best model obtained an accuracy of 97.77% when trained and validated on images without occlusions and 90.01% when the data contained facial occlusions. In the cross-dataset evaluation, the best neural network model obtained 44.13% of accuracy for the JAFFE dataset. |
2019 |
Grando, Ricardo Bedin Estudo de Redes Neurais Artificiais como Alternativa ao Método do Jacobiano para a Cinemática Inversa Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, UFSM, 2019, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Grando:JacobianNN:2019, The inverse kinematics problem is generally very complex and many traditional solutions are targeted only to robots of certain specific topologies. The iterative method based on the (pseudo)inverse of the Jacobian matrix is a well-known, proven, and reliable general approach that can be applied to a wide variety of manipulators. However, it relies on linearizations that are only valid within a very tight neighborhood around the current pose of the manipulator. This requires the robot to move at very short steps, intensively recalculating its trajectory along the way, making this approach inefficient for certain applications. Neural networks, for their known capacity of modelling highly non-linear systems, appear as an interesting alternative. In this work is demonstrated that neural networks can indeed be successfully trained to map task space displacements into joint angle increments, outperforming the method based on the inverse of the Jacobian when dealing with larger displacement increments. The study is validated showing comparative results for hypothetical 3 joint planar arm, 3 joint 3D arm and the Thormang3 robot. |
Christmann, Guilherme Henrique Galelli Um Jogo de Interação Humano-Robô para o Ensino de Língua Inglesa Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, UFSM, 2019, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Christmann:LanguageLearning:2019, Na sociedade contemporânea, a proficiência em língua inglesa é cada vez mais relevante. Sua padronização como língua de comunicação internacional e compartilhamento de conhecimento gera um grande interesse em seu aprendizado. Considerando esses fatores, existe uma busca por métodos mais eficazes de ensino e, atualmente, robôs mostramse como ferramentas de grande potencial. Este trabalho apresenta um jogo de interação humano-robô (IHR) utilizando o robô Beo para o ensino de língua inglesa, baseando-se emprincípios e diretrizes de IHR. Como resultado, é apresentado o princípio de uma plataforma de ensino, um robô fisicamente presente integrado com sistemas de reconhecimento de fala e objeto. As capacidades de IHR são demonstradas através de um jogo com objetos físicos. |
Nesvera, Daniel André Desenvolvimento de Jogos Sérios para Tratamento de Demência Senil Utilizando o Robô Pepper Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, UFSM, 2019, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Nesvera:PepperSeriousGame:2019, The world is facing a phenomenon known as population ageing. This means that the lifevexpectancy has increased and the birth rate decreased. As a consequence, the number of people suffering from diseases related to advanced age — such as dementia — is expected to increase. At the same time, the number of caregivers is expected to decrease. This paper presents a system designed to help elderly people with cognitive and physical exercises, slowing the symptoms related to dementia like cognitive decline. We used the robot Pepper as the main platform to develop a serious game. The system was presented to a nursing home association in Wolfenbüttel, Germany, where it was tested and evaluated by staff members. The evaluation was based on a questionnaire. The test was made with staff members, instead of elderly, to evaluate if the system is safe enough and has potential to be used. The results indicate a positive view from the participants about the interaction and the use of the system with elderly people. |
Richards, David Roy Construção de Atuador de Rigidez Variável e Simulação de Braço Robótico Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, UFSM, 2019, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{David:NSEA:2019, Series elastic actuators have been studied for various applications since 1995. Despite not yet being widely used commercially, a lot of different models were created in the academia using different types of springs, or simulating compliance by the means of softwares. This work presents the design and construction of an unprecedented, controllable stiffness, elastic series actuator, using two flat spiral torsion springs. This actuator has some advantages compared to elastic series actuators with fixed-spring rigidity, which, depending on the application in which they are used, either have little rigidity and end up deforming undesirably or have a lot of rigidity and end up damaging themselves and the environment which they are in. The proposed solution aims to maintain the functionality of protecting the robot and its surroundings, absorbing any unexpected impact that may happen during this interaction. Compliance, combined with intelligent control systems capable of dealing with dynamic environments, has the potential of allowing the development of more versatile and inexpensive robots, as compliant actuators can be under-actuated and embedded computer systems tend to increase in capacity and reduce in cost. This work also describes the design and simulation of a robotic arm and claw that will be used for research on manipulation using compliance with the new variable stiffness series elastic actuator. The research goes from computer-aided mechanical design, mathematical modelling of a spring, design of components that fit certain force and size constraints, to testing a new actuator under different working conditions. After designing the new actuator, it was possible to assemble and test the robotic arm in a simulated testing virtual environment. The path used for the design of the parts during tests that identified structural problems in the assembly of the arm was detailed in this work. At the end of the research, the first prototype of the actuator with manual stiffness control and a 7 degrees-of-freedom robotic arm with a claw, tested in a virtual environment with parts designed mostly from folded, laser cutted, aluminum plates for easy fabrication were obtained. |
2018 |
de Carvalho Gehm, Nícolas Robô Humanoide Beo: Uma Proposta de Ferramenta para o Ensino de Programação a Crianças Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, UFSM, 2018, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Nicolas:BeoFerramenta:2019, Este trabalho apresenta o Beo, robô humanoide móvel com nove graus de liberdade. Beo foi construído para ser utilizado no ensino de programação à crianças com intuito de disponibilizar uma ferramenta que permita ao aluno aprofundar seu conhecimento sem as limitações existentes na montagem de equipamentos com a utilização de kits. São apresentados alguns trabalhos desenvolvidos no meio acadêmico relacionados ao tema, descrevendo diferentes ferramentas para serem utilizadas no ensino de programação. As funcionalidades do robô são apresentadas e discutidas. Por fim, espera-se que a utilização desta ferramenta no ensino de programação seja capaz de atender ao seu propósito inicial de oferecer uma plataforma simples e intuitiva para iniciantes, mas que permita o aprofundamento dos conhecimentos na área de programação para usuários mais experientes. |
Trentin, Vinícius Sistema de Personalização da Tomada de Decisão em Veículos Autônomos Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, UFSM, 2018, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Trentin:EthicsAVs:2018, Esse trabalho visa explorar uma forma pragmática de obtenção e inserção dos valores morais e éticos do usuário na tomada de decisão do veículo autônomo. Para a obtenção, será proposto um questionário utilizando o método Analytic Hierarchy Process e para a inserção, será utilizado um algoritmo genético que evoluirá soluções para situações onde acidentes estão para acontecer. Por fim, uma rede neural é proposta como um método para a generalização das soluções encontradas. A obtenção de resultados dessa generalização fogem do escopo desse trabalho, sendo esses deixados para trabalhos futuros. |
Rossato, Marcelo Cargnelutti Redes Neurais Recorrentes LSTM e suas Aplicações Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, UFSM, 2018, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Rossato:LSTM:2018, The objective of this work is to review the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) artificial neural network model and its application in different activities, in order to evaluate its versatility. Four activities are presented, one of which is the recognition and classification of digits in real time and other three of data generation, namely: production of text fragments, predic- tion of pollution indexes and realization of movements in the Pong game. Four models of the LSTM recurrent neural network were developed, being implemented in Python and trained through the algorithm of backpropagation through time. The network proved to be robust in all proposed scenarios and extremely flexible, since few adaptations were necessary in the neural network model to be applied to a different application. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that there is a great potential of use of the network in several applications. |
Kenne, Thales Godinho Buzee: Plataforma para Acompanhamento dos Horários do Transporte Coletivo Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, UFSM, 2018, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Thales:BUZEE:2018, This work presents the development of an app to track bus times according to geographical positioning (data provided by the users). The aim is to facilitate the usage of urban transportation methods, showing the position, in real time, of each bus in its line. The app uses a geofencing concept to control the movement of the users. Seeking to be easily set up, the app aims to be a low cost solution, as it does not need a GPS device installed in the buses. The project also proposes an organic growth system based on crowdsourcing, in which the users actively take part in the registration of lines and bus stops, as well as in the refining of the system, by reporting delays, accidents, and other situations common to urban traffic. This thesis reports the development of the app, such as UML diagrams and programming, as well as the creation of the startup, analyzing the market and the business plans. |
2017 |
Lima, Carolina R. Garra Robótica de Baixo Custo com Juntas Flexíveis Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, UFSM, 2017, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Lima:Garra:2017, Este trabalho relata o projeto de uma garra com juntas de material flexível, com um sensor que retorna valores de flexão dos dedos de acordo com a variação da resistência. A neurociência tem demonstrado há muito tempo a importância do feedback tátil na manipulação humana (KAPPASSOV; CORRALES; PERDEREAU, 2015). Pessoas com dedos anestesiados são incapazes de manter um aperto estável, e crianças com o tato deficiente têm dificuldades em realizar tarefas de manipulação. Sensores táteis fornecem aos robôs informações sobre o contato físico, assim robôs autônomos podem operar em ambientes não estruturados e manipular objetos desconhecidos. Além disso, a disponibilidade de informações sensoriais para o robô garante sua operação segura em aplicações diretas com a interação humano-robô (KAPPASSOV; CORRALES; PERDEREAU, 2015). Os objetivos específicos deste trabalho são projetar, desenvolver e testar um protótipo de garra robótica capaz de: (i) se fechar de modo adaptativo em torno de um objeto de forma não específica; (ii) regular a quantidade de flexão nos dedos que é exercida no objeto, permitindo assim a manipulação de objetos frágeis; (iii) ser montada no braço do robô Dimitri da UFSM. |
Stein, Gean M. S. Modelo de Rede Neural de Múltiplas Escalas de Tempo Aplicado ao Robô Dimitri Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, UFSM, 2017, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Stein:MTRNN:2017, A proposta para a implementação e aplicação do modelo de rede neural recorrente de múltiplas escalas de tempo (MTRNN – Multiple Timescale Recurrent Neural Network) surgiu de experimentos na área de aprendizagem de máquina (Peniak et al. 2011; Nobuta et al. 2011), nos quais um robô humanoide aprende atividades complexas através da interação com humanos. O modelo MTRNN (Yamashita e Tani, 2008) se distingue por possuir dois tipos de unidades principais, os neurônios rápidos e os neurônios lentos. Essa característica da rede a torna capaz de codificar e reproduzir em detalhe fenômenos dinâmicos nos neurônios rápidos e ao mesmo tempo representar estes fenômenos em um grau de abstração mais alto nos neurônios mais lentos, trazendo ideia análoga à intencionalidade das ações observadas em humanos e em outros animais. O objetivo geral do trabalho é a aplicação do modelo MTRNN no robô Dimitri, recentemente desenvolvido no Centro de Tecnologia da UFSM. A rede neural foi implementada em Python, tendo sua implementação iniciada em um trabalho anterior. O treinamento da rede utiliza o algoritmo de aprendizagem Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT) otimizado pelo método de gradiente acelerado de Nesterov. Os dados usados para o treinamento da rede referem-se à posição dos servo-motores ao serem manipulados por um tutor, o qual irá executar movimentos cíclicos. Foram realizados experimentos a fim de testar a rede e suas características. A rede implementada foi capaz de aprender três padrões de movimentos diferentes, mas foi incapaz de operar em malha fechada devido à sensibilidade a distúrbios, sendo assim a rede não está pronta para ser aplicada diretamente no robô Dimitri. |
Tatsch, Christopher A. A. Desenvolvimento do Robô Humanoide Dimitri e Aplicação Utilizando Redes Neurais Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, 2017, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Tatsch:DimitriTCC:2017, Este trabalho apresenta Dimitri, um robô humanoide de hardware e software abertos com 31 graus de liberdade, equipado com juntas complacentes modulares de baixo custo e pernas com elos paralelos. Dimitri foi construído para permitir pesquisa avançada em interação homem-robô, manipulação de objetos com reconhecimento de força e exploração do ambiente. A principal inovação é no projeto de um sistema de molas complacentes de poliuretano ligado a um servomotor robótico convencional e um circuito de medição da deflexão angular, tornando estes em um atuador de série elástica (ASE). Para demonstrar as capacidades do robô no contexto de pesquisa em robótica cognitiva e de comportamento orientado por objetivo, uma rede neural recorrente de múltiplas escalas de tempo (MTRNN) foi implementada com sucesso, permitindo ao robô reproduzir padrões de movimento prototípicos combinados previamente treinados através de demonstração interativa. |
2016 |
Canaparro, Marcelo S. Agrupamento de Produtos Industriais Utilizando Denoising Autoencoders: Um Estudo de Caso Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, 2016, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Canaparro:Autoencoders:2016, O presente trabalho objetiva o desenvolvimento de um sistema eficaz para agrupamento de produtos por meio de uma arquitetura especifica de redes neurais artificiais, chamadas denoising autoencoders. Este problema é dividido em duas etapas: o pré-processamento dos dados de produtos e o treinamento da rede. O pré-processamento dos dados é realizado com o apoio de um software de mineração de dados, transformando-os de forma a permitir o acoplamento dos dados à rede. Esta, por sua vez, é arquitetada com base em estudos recentes na área e treinada camada a camada utilizando-se uma aprendizagem não-supervisionada. Desta forma, tendo seu erro minimizado com o uso de um algoritmo de backpropagation sem necessitar de dados previamente classificados. Objetiva-se que, após treinada, a rede encontre associações entre as características dos produtos e, baseadas nestas associações, conceba classificações abstratas destes produtos. |
Carvalho, Franthiescolly V. Projeto de Cama Inteligente para Atendimento Domiciliar Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, 2016, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Franthiescolly:CamaInteligenteTCC:2016, O presente projeto objetiva a criação de uma cama inteligente para atendimento domiciliar, que tem por finalidade, a medição do peso, além da qualidade do sono de pessoas com disfunções físicas ou que possuem dificuldade de locomoção, geralmente caracterizados em pessoas com idade mais avançada. Levando isto em consideração, o sistema fará estas medições relacionadas à saúde da pessoa, utilizando um sistema de computação pervasiva, que coletará dados através de um software, que disponibilizará no computador um gráfico para análise. Neste gráfico, será possível observar e analisar as etapas do sono da pessoa em questão, e identificar problemas relacionados ao peso. As medições de peso e qualidade do sono serão feitas através de quatro células de cargas, distribuídas nos pés da cama e um acelerômetro, cuja captação dos movimentos está relacionada à uma das fases do sono profundo conhecida como rapid eye movement (REM), que é caracterizada por uma aceleração dos movimentos de globo ocular acompanhada por uma notável diminuição da atividade muscular. Ou seja, caso o acelerômetro registre pouca movimentação, a pessoa entrou em REM. Ao final, espera-se que o projeto possua um baixo custo devido à utilização de componentes de baixo valor comercial. |
Miranda, Rafael S. Algoritmo de Caminhada para Robô Humanoide DARwIn-OP Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, 2016, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Miranda:CaminhadaDarwin:2016, Robôs humanoides bípedes têm despertado crescente interesse em pesquisadores de robótica devido à possibilidade de adaptação a diferentes ambientes originalmente projetados para o homem. Este trabalho visa desenvolver um algoritmo de caminhada utilizando Capture Step e implementá-lo em robô humanoide de projeto aberto, chamado DARwIn-OP. Ao longo do trabalho foram estudadas duas abordagens para efetuar esta tarefa: (1) omniwalk e (2) controle do centro de massa extrapolado. O objetivo do trabalho é unir ambas abordagens de forma a aproveitar: a geração contínua de referências do omniwalk; e o ponto de contato desejado (target), gerado pelo controle em malha fechada do centro de massa extrapolado. |
2015 |
Medeiros, Matheus N. Robô de Telepresença Portátil para Aplicações Clínicas e Pedagógicas Miscellaneous Bachelor Thesis, 2015, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo S. Guerra). @misc{Nothen:TelepresencaTCC:2015, Este trabalho de conclusão de curso apresenta a construção de um novo modelo de robô de telepresença, um robô portátil em forma de mochila, o qual foi projetado, desenhado, a partir da ideia de possibilitar que crianças com câncer, saindo de confinamento de hospitais, para que possam realizar suas tarefas normais, visitando seus familiares, indo a escola e conversando com seus amiguinhos através do robô. Também são mostrados métodos de fabricações mecânica, o processo de montagem e os componentes elétricos e eletrônicos que foram utilizados. Envolve o desenvolvimento de um aplicativo para Android o qual possibilita que o usuário ligue este robô sem mesmo tocá-lo. Este trabalho também inclui um sistema de controle para equilíbrio do robô em duas rodas utilizando lógica fuzzy (difusa), uma lógica inteligente para equilíbrio de fácil aplicação a qual foi programada na linguagem Python. |